"Suicide is not the norm", the late Nobuyoshi Chan shouted Hongjun Pyeong "strong" – Kookmin Ilbo


Hong Joon-pyo was criticized for uttering words such as "suicide embellishment" and "avoidance of liability",

Hong stated on his own website that on June 28, "In any case, the world in which suicide is not normal is not a normal society, "Hong said. "

He said," If you make a mistake, you have to accept the corresponding punishment, choosing to commit suicide to avoid it is simply another liability escape. "

He also said," In extreme and frustrating situations, "Suicide is another crime against life," he said. "Suicide in the clbad of social leaders is the wrong choice," he said.

The ill-advised climate that has weighed such a suicide should now be fixed. "Hong's argument was followed by controversy among Internet users." In contrast to the view that "the person who committed suicide during the investigation is elevated to the rank of". 39; adult and the beautify ", the opposition of" How to be saddened by death is the beauty of suicide "was violently confronted

reporter juju79 @ kmib.com

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