Seven people from the city of Minseon and the head of the provincial government


The Ministry of Public Administration and Security (Minister Kim, Bum-gum) will hold the 7th local government and the local government headquarters chairman, headquarters and local government headquarters for the implementation implementation of basic national affairs.

In June, Kim Hyun-ki appointed the chief of finance and local economy to the post of director general of local decentralization, who is the chief executive director of the headquarters, the second year. This time, I appoint a person who takes planning capacity, business propulsion capability and experience of local employment experience to the director of planning and coordination and the local director of finance and the economy. Lee In-jae, head of the planning committee of the autonomous decentralization committee, is appointed director of planning and coordination and Ko Kyu-chung, deputy governor of Chungbuk province, joins the regional office of finance and business economic.

  Lee In-jae, Deputy Planner and Government Coordinator
<이인재 행안부 기획조정실장>

The deputy director of the local self-government and the deputy chair of the deputy self-government committee are appointed in August.

The citizens of the seat of the deputies of the cities and the provinces, reflecting their personal professional capacities, their local affiliation, the duration of their mandate and the opinions of the local governments, will be named at the beginning of next month. Replace the subsidiary organs of Incheon, Gyeonggi and Jeonnam.

When the head of the local governor is newly appointed, the head of the administrative headquarters of the government headquarters is transferred to the headquarters of Incheon administration, and the head of the planning and development agency. coordinator Kim Hee- Requires replacement. After the 6-13 local elections, 10 of the 17 districts will change.

Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters, which becomes vacant as a member of the city and provincial government, will soon be established

Kim Insoon reporter [email protected]

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