Kim Jin-pyo, "The decision of Lee Jae-myeong"


Debate of the Democratic Party Convention & # 39; Lee Jae Myung & # 39; …

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  Lee Jae-myeong Governor of Gyeonggi Province [뉴스1]

Lee Jae-myeong Governor of Gyeonggi Province [뉴스1]

Democratic Party of Lee Jae- The question of maintaining the party emerged as a problem for the Democratic National Convention.

Democratic candidate Kim Jin-pyo said at a press conference on the 29th: "At this point, Lee Jae-Myung should make a decision now," he said. "In fact, it was a request for exclusion."

When Kim asked a question about the branch issue, Kim said, "There were a lot of moral issues that had been raised as a protest movement during the local election process. At that time, the former Chungnam governor, Ahn Hee-jeong, and former spokesman of Cheong Wa Dae, Park Soo-hyun, immediately addressed the issue: "However, Lee Jae-Myung was the candidate, so we had to protect him.

 In addition, candidates for representatives of the Democratic Party Song Young-gil, Jin-pyo Kim and Lee Hae-chan. [연합뉴스]

In addition, Democratic Party candidates Song Young-gil, Jin-pyo Kim and Lee Hae-chan. [연합뉴스]

Then he said, "After the inauguration, there is a persistent problem and another problem is amplified by overlaps." This is a heavy burden for our party, a burden for President Moon Jae In, that has a significant impact. "The actress scandal is still being elected in local elections, but it is argued that recent suspicions about gangster involvement can not be overcome.

Another party candidate, Lee Hae-chan, told reporters at the morning meeting, "I do not know about this part of the influence of the governor's intentions on the national convention. There will be no relationship with the convention.

On the other hand, the governor said: "Is not it a fundamental principle that (Kim's words) reveal gangster fiction" and that "one who wants to clarify the truth the suspicion is the governor himself. "

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