Following a series of fires in BMW vehicles, recalls were made, but the opposition of consumers continues. Vehicle owners claim that the risk of fire has not completely disappeared because BMW's recall plan is insufficient. Cheong Wa Dae appealed to the National People's Petition to stop the roads of BMW vehicles.
Four of the vehicle owners, such as Mr. Kim, sued BMK Korea and the Deutsche Motors dealer against the Seoul Central District Court for damages. The borrowers insisted: "We were prevented from operating until the vehicle was repaired, and even though a reminder was made, the risk of fire could not be completely eliminated. and we have lost the benefits of using the remaining fuel. The recall plan proposed by BMV Korea is to inspect the vehicle with the help of an endoscope and replace the parts if the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) module is defective if the plan Injury is insufficient and the parts are not completely replaced, the risk is not completely lost. The automakers have insisted that the vehicle would continue to be in trouble because it is clear that the recall will be delayed due to a delay in the supply of parts because the number of recalled vehicles exceeds 100,000.
The damages claimed by them are the sum of the damages due to the violation of the profits of use and the costs of alimony, which is 5 million won per applicant. Applicants plan to recalculate the damages based on the results of the badessment. "The borrowers who filed the lawsuit did not experience the fire directly, but the borrowers who saw the financial and mental damages caused by the restrictions on the use of the vehicle up to what they are reminded by the recall, "said Ha Jong-sun. He should be compensated not only for the damage to the vehicle, but also for the falling prices of used cars and psychological damage. "
Meanwhile, after the announcement of the recall plan, another fire broke out on BMW vehicles. Around midnight on the 29th, a fire broke out on the pbadenger car "BMV 520d" that Mr. A was driving near the Chiak rest area in Chuncheon, Wonju City, Gangwon Province. It's only the 7th that this car was pulled this year.
The Ministry of Lands, Transport and Maritime Affairs said on Dec. 26 that "BMD 520B vehicles imported and sold by BMD Korea have defects that could cause a fire and 42 vehicles will be recalled for 100,617 vehicles". The Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs (BMD) has ordered a road safety agency to investigate the defect in the middle of this month, and it is under investigation for the cause of the fire . The Ministry of Spatial Planning, Transport and Maritime Affairs (MOE) said: "BME believes that the exhaust gas recirculation system installed in the engine causes the pbadage of gases from the engine. exhaust at high temperature in the intake manifold without being cooled. "He said.
"We found that there was a possibility of fire in some vehicles due to the exhaust gas recirculation device," Ijiremodule "as a result of the investigation with the seat from the headquarters of Germany. " Before the recall, the emergency diagnostic service is implemented as a precautionary measure. "
Although there is only toxic fires in the BMV domestic vehicles, the cause of the accident is delayed, and the concern of citizens as well as borrowers is increasing. The defect described in the Ministry of Land and Korea's Rejected Application is the failure of the recirculation system component that reduces the pollutants contained in diesel engine exhaust gases. However, there is concern that replacing these parts will not solve the problem. Replace the entire room or check the entire system.
While the concern aroused by the fire of BMW vehicles is increasing, the petition of the national petition project Cheong Wa Dae has been repeatedly asked to "stop the road" or to "block the road". Entry of BMW vehicles into the tunnel ". One petitioner said: "The people's right to life and property is threatened by frequent shooting, and I will ask you to stop driving until the recall is over."
Reporter Hong Dae-sun [email protected]

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