This is the first year of major arterial puncture … "Emergency paralysis of one hour"


  A CCTV video depicting how a jockey badaulted a major. [대한의사협회]

A CCTV video depicting how a jockey badaulted a major. [대한의사협회]

An badault on emergency medical personnel occurred in Gumi City, Kyungbuk Province. A young man of about 20 years drunk in an emergency medical center at Gumi Cha hospital at 4am on the 31st of the month had bought the Kim's mother (first year of trainee) as an iron tray. The victim's middle finger suffered a ruptured artery at the top of the crown and injured three weeks in the anterior position.

Attacker A was drinking alcoholic beverages with college students that day, and found a scratch on his face and a torn wound of about 1 cm in his head. According to the hospital, A was upset before the attack by spitting on the floor of the emergency room and throwing the headache. The victim's commanding officer was a nurse who had to undergo a critical examination and treatment with a veteran, and then create a map. A sudden stood behind the majors who wrote the cards in front of him and touched the parietal area with a steel tray. It is said that the commander of the victim who was beaten in the defenseless state for no reason was stunned enough to stay still for a moment even after it was right.

Professor Choi Seung-pil, head of the hospital's emergency medical center, said, "The arterial blood vessels on the side of the repair have been skipped and the infirmary s & # 39; 39 is quickly fulfilled. The emergency room became a mess, "said the situation at the time.



Currently, Kim is in the hospital for neurosurgery complaining of vertigo due to severe bleeding and seizures. Concussion is attractive for serious mental stress.The badailant has moved into the hospital hall after the attack and attempted to attack a Another hospitalized patient, but was arrested by the police who had been reported and sent in.

Professor Choi Seung Pil said, "Even if the police were only 10 seconds late, another victim would have had The police sensed the threat of the attacker and handcuffed him in targeting Teygogan. "We focus on treating serious bleeding, and the violent criminal punishment against the perpetrator must be followed. "" I am a new doctor who started working as a physician in March of this year. I am worried that the trauma will remain. "After the badbadination of A, the hospital emergency room was paralyzed for nearly an hour.A 10-year-old patient, including a 6-year-old girl who was Found in the emergency room because her nosebleed could not stop, was delayed.

The Korean Medical Association said: "The same incident occurred. "Is produced in the half day after three medical groups have made a joint statement following an attack at the Jeonju emergency room," said the medical team. It does not change in the middle Health workers are still crying, but they are still going on, our patience is limited, "he urged the government to take immediate and effective action. (19459008)
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