Lee Jae-Myung, confidently armed, "Kim Buseon's scandal"


    Lee Jae-myung, governor of Gyeonggi Province, answers the question on the audit of the National Assembly on June 19 at the Gyeonggi Provincial Office in Suwon City on the morning of the 19th.
Lee Jae-myung, governor of Gyeonggi Province, answers the question on the audit of the National Assembly on June 19 at the Gyeonggi Provincial Office in Suwon City on the morning of the 19th.
He Lee Hee-hoon

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"Do not try to beat Gyeonggi Province, go to the patriotic holiday!" – Kim Han-jung, member of the Democratic Party
"What did Kim Han Jung say?" – Cho Won-jin, Patriot Party member

On August 19, the audit of the administrative and security committee of the National Assembly for Gyeonggi Province began with a ruckus. Lee Chae-ik, an independent member of the Korean Parliament, has asked Lee Jae-Myung, chief of Gyeonggi Province, to file a complaint. The conflict culminated when Democratic Cho Won – jin predicted that Lee Jae – myung & # 39;

In addition, legislators from the Democratic Party said: "It's a problem because the 13.3 million people are suffering from welfare," Lee said. Opposition lawmakers did not continue the fight against the ruling party, as they were aware of the criticisms made against the parliamentary audit of the city of Seoul the day before. (the 18).

"The pressure to leave?"

The opposition party questioned Lee Jae – myung 's personal problems, including the Kim Buseon scandal, the search for home confiscation and theft. bullying gangsters, but nothing new. Governor Lee Jae-Myung reacted actively as he had planned, fully utilizing his response time. In particular, "I am noisy because of the allegations relating to Kim Buseon", he said, "no problem at all".

    Lee Jae-myung, governor of Gyeonggi Province, answers the question on the audit of the National Assembly on June 19 at the Gyeonggi Provincial Office in Suwon City on the morning of the 19th.
Lee Jae-myung, governor of Gyeonggi Province, answers the question on the audit of the National Assembly on June 19 at the Gyeonggi Provincial Office in Suwon City on the morning of the 19th.
He Lee Hee-hoon

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Opposition lawmakers have sought to put forward the image that Governor Lee Jae-Myung is under pressure as the next president on the pbadport. "There is talk of oppression of the next presidential candidate in the market," said Ahn Hee-jung, "and the governor said," I do not agree. "That was.

The question "Have you ever been pressured to withdraw from Moon Jae-in's regime," I said, but I (dismantling) is a problem, "he dismissed. However, when asked "What about the subcommittee that received the invitation to leave and suddenly seized once the governor was searched," the answer was "Life is free ".

Lee Jae-Myung, local government representative, drew attention because the quality of investigations into personal problems has weakened more than expected.

"Do not stand the construction company with the local tax"

Lee Jae-Myung, a construction company official, said: "The construction site has been abused because of the misuse of the slush fund, so I will try to make it transparent. " "He said.

    Lee Jae-Myung, governor of Gyeonggi Province, attends a parliamentary inspection of the National Assembly on May 19 at the Gyeonggi Provincial Office in Suwon, Gyeonggi-do.
Lee Jae-Myung, governor of Gyeonggi Province, attends a parliamentary inspection of the National Assembly on May 19 at the Gyeonggi Provincial Office in Suwon, Gyeonggi-do.
He Lee Hee-hoon

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Lee Jinbok, a member of the Free Korean Democracy Party, congratulated the governor: "The marine ecosystem is very serious and Gyeonggi Province has put in place a fishermen compensation system for waste collection. The governor, unanimously hailed by opposition MPs, laughed brilliantly and said: "I will give you money if you save the rubbish in the sea. I will buy a boat for the collection of waste on the coast. "

He emphasized for the first time in his life the question of the equity of the national policy of youth pensions: "To make the most of the system that has already been put in place, the Gyeongdongmen do not have to pay for it. did not have the preference or the government system was skewed ".

Lee Jae-myung, who decided to set up an accounting system despite the objections of presidents of private kindergartens, reiterated his position that "it is not fair to control whether the state budget is used seamlessly.

It was pointed out that communication and harmony efforts were lacking. The governor said, "If we have momentum, we can not be cautious." We humbly accepted the plan to reduce friction through speed control. "

    Lee Jae-Myung, governor of Gyeonggi Province, prepares the data with the auditors of the National Assembly of 19 at the Gyeonggi Provincial Office in Suwon City on the 19th.
Lee Jae-Myung, governor of Gyeonggi Province, prepares the data with the auditors of the National Assembly of 19 at the Gyeonggi Provincial Office in Suwon City on the 19th.
He Lee Hee-hoon

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