[눈길 가는 모델하우스]Beginning of the sale of verdium at the lake


[이데일리 권소현 기자] The lakefront industry cuts the new city's sales tape in the geomdan. On July 19, model house & # 39; Geomdan Lakeside Bermuda & # 39; will be open and will be sold seriously.

The complex consists of 2 underground floors – 27 floors, 14 buildings, a total of 1168 houses. All households were small and medium-sized, with a private area of ​​72 and 84, with a high preference for clients.

The new city of Geomdan is the last two metropolitan areas of the capital, 11.18 million square meters located in the regions of Danghae, Majeon, Bullong and Wardang-dong in Seo-gu, Incheon. Starting with the sale of the job this month, about 180,000 people will live in 75,000 households.

Bermuda, which begins its first sale in the new town of Geomdan, is well located. The school and park grounds are within walking distance, and the central commercial map is adjacent. It is possible to walk on the new station (planned) extension of line 1 of Incheon metro, and it is easy to get in and out of Seoul and the metropolitan area by the outer ring of Seoul. We are also promoting a large-scale road project between Wangdang and Taerye.

The complex is designed as a ventilation-like ventilation plan, small and medium-sized innovation aircraft. All the furniture consists of 4 bays, 4 bays, and a flexible wall can be used to configure the space according to the lifestyle.

The sale price of this apartment is lower than that of the surrounding area, with an average selling price of 1.21 million won per 3.3㎡, due to the sales price cap. The exclusive area of ​​72㎡ is proposed at a minimum price of 310.1 million won and a maximum of 360 million won. The sale price of 84 m2 for exclusive use ranges from 352.8 million won to 407 million won. Intermediate rate loans are available and interest on interim payments can be accounted for as postpaid. The extension of the balcony raises to 12 million won for 72㎡ and the exclusive to 84 for 13 million won.

The resale period is one year. It is possible to apply for the first rank if it has elapsed more than one year after joining the subscription account and the deposit amount is greater than the amount of the regional deposit. . In addition, it is possible to apply for a loan even if the applicant is a multi-householder or a winner or is not a householder.

The pre-sale schedule starts on the 24th of this month, and the first order on the 25th and the second order on the 26th. The winners will be announced on 1st November and the contract will run from 13th to 15th November for a duration of three days. The model house is located in Wardang-dong, Seo-gu, Incheon.

Dedicated floor plan of 72m²
Private floor plan 72㎡B
72 SalonB private lounge
Private kitchen 72Bm
Exclusive plan of 84Am²
Private living room of 84 m²
Exclusive kitchen of 84 m²
Floor plan dedicated to 84㎡B

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