Review of the "taxi industry development plan", such as the abolition of the budget of the Ministry of Land, taxi company


It is confirmed that the Government is currently examining measures such as the abolition of the corporate tax payment system, the introduction of a full monthly remuneration system, the purchase of a private taxi license for the elderly and its payment in the form of a pension.

On August 26, an official from the Ministry of Transport, Lands and Maritime Affairs said: "We are considering concrete measures through consultations with the ruling party to solve the fundamental problems of the taxi and transport sector. improve the treatment ".

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport recently announced that the ruling party had submitted to the Democratic Party a draft taxi industry development plan and refined its policy with the Ministry of Strategy and Finance. .

This is because the environment of the taxi industry is getting worse, such as the appearance of "carpool" or the carpool service of Cocoa.

An official of the Ministry of Lands, Infrastructure and Transport said: "The abolition of the system of accounts and the establishment of a complete monthly salary system are something to do from from time to time.

Currently, business taxi companies operate an account.

After 12 hours of operation, the drivers will pay about 130,000 won to the company and pay the rest of the money.

Although each item is different, the average monthly income of items would be between 2 million and 30 million won.

For this reason, they require taxi companies to collect monthly operating income to pay the monthly salary.

However, taxi companies have opposed the introduction of taxis because it is difficult to manage their work attitude because of the nature of taxis operating freely.

It's the theory that you can not pay the same salary to many items that run a lot and those that do not.

The current law on taxi development stipulates the "system of management of the total profit of taxis", which means a complete monthly salary system.

However, taxi companies use exception rules that take into account real difficulties.

The Ministry of Lands, Infrastructure and Transportation will also consider buying local taxi licenses for private taxis worth around 100 million won in the market.

It is rated as a way to reduce the risk of road accidents caused by older drivers by solving the glut of supply issues of taxis by inducing the return of taxi drivers incumbents. a license who wish to retire.

If the age of purchase is limited to 65 years or more by taking advantage of the retirement system goal, approximately 56,000 of the 163,000 private taxi license holders will be cutlery.

However, it is important to guarantee the necessary budget accordingly, so that the broad outlines of the policy will be determined through consultations with the ruling party.

An official of the Ministry of Lands, Infrastructure and Transport said: "We are still sharing the awareness of the problem and considering the concrete method for writing it." We will be able to announce concrete plans after further discussions. "

(Yonhap News / Photo = Yonhap News)

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