Financial Services Ended Voice Phishing in the First Half of 2005: W W 55.8 Billion


[뉴스토마토 이아경 기자] #. The customer who went to the Anyang post office in January asked the staff to withdraw money and a check for 25 million won deposited the same day. Anyang post office staff immediately reported to 112 that the client was making a large number of cash withdrawals just prior to the visit and a phishing withdrawal, the employee delayed the process as he indicated to the customer that he needed the police confirmation procedure for high paying transactions. A police officer was arrested at the scene and arrested a middle-aged man.

#. An employee at the Pyeongchon branch, Imaginator Savings Bank, had a phishing problem when a customer requesting the withdrawal of 30 million won in cash did not stop talking to someone who had a small voice. The employee constantly persuaded the client and was told that he was talking to the prosecutor's office. The staff guided the client to a typical voice phishing technique and reported it to 112 to avoid damage.

On December 29, the Financial Supervisory Service announced that vocal phishing caused 55.8 billion won in the first half of this year. A total of 414 fraudulent criminals were arrested after the arrest of employees of the finance company during this period.

The FSS sent a letter of appreciation to 57 employees of 26 financial companies who helped prevent the damage badociated with voice phishing. 57 people who received a certificate of appreciation contributed to the arrest of 297 criminals.

The Financial Supervisory Service (KFDA) has put in place a system to prevent and stop the prevention and reporting activities of Voice Phishing 112 and the financial services company of the National Police. The financial services companies' counters use the "Financial Fraud Prevention Diagnosis" for customers withdrawing high-end money and then ask the police to raise suspicions of fraud.

The financial monitoring service has also warned financial users that anyone in their daily lives should be aware of the fact that he may face vocal phishing. In particular, if you are accused of being prosecutors, police and financial institutions, involved in a crime or receiving a phone call asking you to borrow money claiming to be a financial corporation, you must be suspected of vocal phishing.

In addition, it is best to check the name of the other party's office, his name and phone number, and then call the number of the official representative of the agency to confirm the facts and l & # 39; authenticity.

"In any case, the prosecution, the police and the FSS do not ask you to send money because they are involved in crimes such as a stolen account or theft. opening a bank account in canon, "said the FSS. "Even if you send commissions and labor costs, financial companies do not lend at low interest rates, even if their remittances and transfers are numerous."

Financial Supervision Service of Seoul Yeouido. Photo / News

Ian Kyung reporter [email protected]

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