[경제]Consumer prices rose 2% … exports increased 22.7%


Consumer prices rose 2% … exports increased 22.7%

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■ Progress: Kim Jung A / Anchor
■ Appearance: Park Sung-ho / Senior Reporter, Department of the Economy


Consumer prices rose 2% last month. It reached its maximum in 13 months. Higher prices for agricultural products and petroleum products are the main causes. Exports rose by more than 20% last month and the trade balance recorded a surplus for 81 consecutive months. We will examine the significance of the price and export results with the journalist Park Seong-ho of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Welcome Nowadays, consumers are worried about the price of living in a bigger house.


Yes Last month Consumer prices rose 2% in October. This was the biggest increase in 13 months since last October and it reached 2%. Consumer prices should not go down too much, but not too much. By the way, 2% was reversed from 1.9% to 2% a month ago last September. It is significant that it has increased to 2%.


This month, we are in the 2% range this month. Why is the price increasing now?


First, Kim Jung-ae's agricultural products and anchor also drive a car. The price of oil has gone up a lot. But in the case of agricultural products, it rose 14% last month. Oil rose 11.8%. However, in the case of agricultural products, rice prices have increased by more than 20%. And then the tomatoes arrived and arrived a lot, especially the rice that is sensitive to us and big. Of the 460 items, rice is very sensitive. Gasoline has increased by more than 10%. So we have a lot of products and products directly related to our lives, even though we are not ordinary people. On the other hand, some personal services have not increased much.


Thus, the prices of these rooms close to reality have increased significantly. However, as the price of oil rose, the government decided to reduce the fuel tax.


So the tax on oil will be reduced from the 6th of this month. 15% will be reduced. Now, when we put gas in a gas station, 56% is taxed. I will give you the tax. The problem is that if you do this, you can save up to 123 won per liter and about 123 won per liter of gasoline. It's a 6 month period that starts from the 6th. Meanwhile, oil prices should not increase. If international oil prices continue to rise, there will be side effects such as the cancellation of the petroleum tax reduction effect.


Law However, if consumer prices rise by 2%, the interest rate of the Bank of Korea will take into account what will happen next month. Will there be an impact on this part?


I do not think it will have a big impact. Because the Bank of Korea has set its price target at 2% from 2016 to this year. This is a 2% increase over the previous year, which is the main basis for the interest rate hike, which represents 2% of the year. As I said just now, 2% last month, but since last October, prices have continued to rise and fall, from 1%. That's why 2% is not annual. There are 11 months and 12 months more, but 2% is more difficult this year.


This does not have such an impact.


Yes He is now evaluated as such.


Export statistics have also been announced today, but exports seem to be holding up a bit.


That is why we must say that the economic indicators of our economy yesterday, that the economy will officially go into recession, that the index for the 6th consecutive month has dropped, and that is what happened. 22. 7% increased and increased. So, in terms of money, that is about $ 55 billion a month. This is the second highest ranking in history since the 1956 statistics. It's over $ 500 billion from January to October. The record of more than $ 500 billion from January to October is the shortest of all time. The export performance is now very very good, so you can rate it like this.


Where are the export funds so good?


I think it's a good thing to be able to do it in the near future and do something like that. Then emerging countries will become a bit more difficult and we can understand that our export performance is improving in this difficult situation.


The government will improve various indicators at the end of this year or early next year, which I am talking about and when I look at different indicators, what is the perspective when the senior reporter Park Seongho introduces himself?


First, the economic growth rate is not very good next year. Secondly, foreign investment banks and investment banks realize that they are falling. 0.1, 0.2 percentage points less, so it's not so brilliant. Another point is that now KOSPI and KOSDAQ are up slightly, but our stock market is going to be exported and badociated with an excessively lower level than the advanced countries. Although our exports are good, we focus on semiconductors and some industries. As a result, the proportion of specific stocks on the stock market exceeds 20%. It is also vulnerable because foreigners focus on specific products if they attack through short selling or other means, which is a major cause of the volatility of our stock markets. So exporting, that's fine, but if we are busy, we have to fix it.


This section should be noted. I have reviewed the lines of economic indicators published today. Park Sung-ho was a senior reporter of the Ministry of Economy. Thank you

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