(Video) Previous class song! Hasstone presents the masterpiece of the Trolls, 'Rastakan & # 39;


<하스스톤>The new theme of & # 39; Troll & # 39; has been confirmed!

Blizzard will be held November 3, BlizzCon 2018 <하스스톤>A new extension of the great success of "StarChan. Let's start with a nice video trailer.

"The Great Battle of Rastakan" is the theme of the arena where all the Azeroth trolls gather to fight for the favors of the King and Roa. As you can see from this background, the main themes of the expansion are Troll and Loa (the animals that serve Troll) and the arena. The expansion pack will include a number of Troll, Loa and a Roa Ghost cards.

The extension functions are as follows: ▲ new keyword 'Absal' ▲ legendary slave 'Troll Warrior & # 39; and Roa ▲ 'adventure' a person 'size' is summarized.

First, a new keyword called "absurd" is added to the game. Abstinence is the ability to trigger additional effects when they cause more damage than the remaining stamina. For example, the "Sulthraze" weapon of the BlizzCon has a powerful effect that allows the user to attack once more when the overwhelming effect is triggered. (Sulk is a hero-clbad two-handed sword appeared in the original period of World of Warcraft)

Also in this expansion, Troll and Roya will be designated as legendary servants for each profession. For example, the paladin appears as a legendary tiger Roa slave named Shirbala. 25, but this has the unique effect of reducing the cost of summoning whenever a user spells an order. In addition, although it has not yet been published as a map, you can also see the portrait of the Troll Champion, which is supposed to be "Jade".

For reference, in addition to these legendary miners, there is also a unique category of souls called "souls" in "The Great Battle of Rastakan". The horn has the ability to fly for the first time on the turn, and the body is also a sailor with various special effects.

Finally, the adventure content of "1 & # 39; is added. It's a new adventure content that enhances the game every time the game is won, such as "Maze Exploration" or the existing "Monster Hunt". The user chooses one of the three altars selected at random and starts a scrum. Depending on the altar you choose, a user will have a job to play in the big game and a powerful submarine. The altar chosen by the user gives a unique grace.

The big fight of Rastakan will be published in December. The extension pack is currently for sale.

<하스스톤>The new theme of & # 39; Troll & # 39; has been confirmed!

Blizzard will be held November 3, BlizzCon 2018 <하스스톤>A new extension of the great success of "StarChan. Let's start with a nice video trailer.

"The Great Battle of Rastakan" is the theme of the arena where all the Azeroth trolls gather to fight for the favors of the King and Roa. As you can see from this background, the main themes of the expansion are Troll and Loa (the animals that serve Troll) and the arena. The expansion pack will include a number of Troll, Loa and a Roa Ghost cards.

The extension functions are as follows: ▲ new keyword 'Absal' ▲ legendary slave 'Troll Warrior & # 39; and Roa ▲ 'adventure' a person 'size' is summarized.

First, a new keyword called "absurd" is added to the game. Abstinence is the ability to trigger additional effects when they cause more damage than the remaining stamina. For example, the "Sulthraze" weapon of the BlizzCon has a powerful effect that allows the user to attack once more when the overwhelming effect is triggered. (Sulk is a hero-clbad two-handed sword appeared in the original period of World of Warcraft)

Also in this expansion, Troll and Roya will be designated as legendary servants for each profession. For example, the paladin appears as a legendary tiger Roa slave named Shirbala. 25, but this has the unique effect of reducing the cost of summoning whenever a user spells an order. In addition, although it has not yet been published as a map, you can also see the portrait of the Troll Champion, which is supposed to be "Jade".

For reference, in addition to these legendary miners, there is also a unique category of souls called "souls" in "The Great Battle of Rastakan". The horn has the ability to fly for the first time on the turn, and the body is also a sailor with various special effects.

Finally, the adventure content of "1 & # 39; is added. It's a new adventure content that enhances the game every time the game is won, such as "Maze Exploration" or the existing "Monster Hunt". The user chooses one of the three altars selected at random and starts a scrum. Depending on the altar you choose, a user will have a job to play in the big game and a powerful submarine. The altar chosen by the user gives a unique grace.

The big fight of Rastakan will be published in December. The extension pack is currently for sale.

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