MK News – The National Diet … Jung-suk's visit to the DMZ


"Democratic President Kim Jong-il" from South Korea
Jong-seok Jong "I'm going to give you a chance to get a necklace" … Excuses with controversial leak

(Seoul-Yonhap News) Kim Nam-kwon, chairman of the executive committee of the National Assembly of the National Assembly, held a meeting with the presidential secretariat and the national security office on June 6 to discuss the dispute over President Lee's visit to the demilitarized zone.

On October 17, while President Moon Jae-in was traveling abroad, the critics of the free Korean lawmakers on the discovery of the leader of Gangwon-do Cheolwon, which is an antipersonnel mine removal site for the joint remedies of the DMZ, continued.

During the visit, the Minister of Unification of the Ministry of Unification, the Minister of National Defense, Chung Kyung Doo, the director of the National Intelligence Service, Seo Hoon, and so on.

Kim Seong-tae, the leader of the South Korean party, said: "The president had come to Europe during his visit to the reception desk." After returning home, he took the Minister, Vice President I should have caught him. "

The same legislator also said: "The President of the Republic of Korea was out of the country, but the Minister of National Defense, the Deputy Minister and the Director of the NIS can go simultaneously to the DMZ". "He said.

The Democratic Party, in addition to the ruling party, focused on Lim's defense, claiming that it was necessary for the establishment of a peace regime on the Korean peninsula.

Democratic Party deputy Shin Dong-keun said, "Im Chung is the chairman of the executive committee of the South-North Common Declaration Implementation Committee appointed by the President." He officially controlled the site of the kidnapping. antipersonnel mines to verify the implementation of the statement of the Minister of Defense and Unification, as well as the joint statement of Pyongyang and Panmunjom. "

Shin said, "I do not know why that's a problem."

Mr. Lim said: "The committee decided that the most rewarding area of ​​the inter-Korean agreements was the site of discovery of the remains," he said. "Instead of being misinterpreted about a misunderstanding, I will seize the opportunity," he said.

"These are sunglbades that receive a lot of intellectuals," says Lim, "but they are not very talented in the sun and they are very weak." "I wear sunglbades during the military day and remembrance day." He said.

"We confirmed the mistake of not completing the mosaic process on the video we downloaded (GP number)," he said. "We immediately corrected and excused, He said.

The declaration of Panmunjom and the question of inter-Korean relations were also the subject of the Governing Council.

"The question is whether there is a UN resolution supporting the South-North Summit in April," the unofficial legislator said. "Why was there no resolution at the United Nations General Assembly in September?"

"It took longer to translate the statements of North Korea and Panmunjom into English," said the head of justice of the National Security Agency, and the work has just been completed. " The Panmunjom statement is circulated by the UN member countries and a support resolution is being discussed.

"The government is continuing its discussions on the possibility of continuing negotiations," Chung said. "We will have two meetings (the North-South Summit and the North American Summit) and I do not think it's linked."

The problem, namely that the head of the country is not on the list of witnesses of the administration, caused a nervous breakdown.

Kim Seong-tae, chairman of the National Assembly, said: "The head of the country should attend the meeting to answer the question as an undue actor."

Mr. Lim said: "We will know the long-standing practice of the National Assembly." There is an unfair aspect, but there are also practices, and we would like to have a little more discussion in the National Assembly. "

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