Lee Jae Myung on the side "canceled the police prosecution plan … accepting the high-ranking demand of the Democratic Party"


Lee Jae-Myung, governor of Gyeonggi Province, claimed that he would file a complaint with the public prosecutor's office for him to deliver at trial. Yesterday (6), I suddenly canceled the plan of accusation. It is a political decision that explains why the highest party of the Democratic Party asked for it and accepted it. What does it mean?

Kim Kwan-jin reports.


A lawyer who was supposed to file a complaint with the prosecution on behalf of the governor of Lee Jae-myung said that he would cancel the prosecution plan upon his arrival at the Suwon District Prosecutor's Office.

[백종덕/이재명 지사 측 변호인 : 저는 더불어민주당 여주 양평 지역위원장으로서 당의 공식 요청을 대승적 차원에서 수용합니다. 이는 이재명 경기도지사님의 뜻이기도 합니다.]

I was informed and agreed that I should not be sued at the top of the Democratic Party. The explanation of the Democratic Party is that the highest party here refers to Lee Hae-chan.

It seems that the local governor of the ruling party may not be able to accuse the police forces under his jurisdiction and appears to be in conflict with the government. Withdrawing the plan of accusation is a political decision.

The governor accused police of questioning the police, but did not pursue him directly. While expressing dissatisfaction with the police investigation, I avoided charging myself.

The governor said the police officers who had handed him over to the prosecutor's office, suspected of abuse of power and falsification of the facts, and the police officers who had investigated him, accused the prosecutor's office of 39, allegations of charges, disclosure of clbadified secrets and forced statements.

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