Fort Knight Korea Opening 2018, official sale from 27


Epic Games Korea, a subsidiary of Epic Games, <포트나이트 코리아 오픈 2018>Of all the earlybird tickets sold 80% of the sale in one day, sold in two days and sold early, announced on the 26th that the official launch on the 27th.

December 15, at the Hwajeong Gymnasium of the Anam Campus of the Korea University <포트나이트 코리아 오픈 2018>Is developed and served by Epic Games <포트나이트>This is the first major e-sports event in Korea to be held at Epic Games with a total donation of one billion KRW.

The contest will feature the Korean national team consisting of "Crocodile Crew", led by a famous game creator "Crocodile", with 1.32 million subscribers and selected players during the preliminary rounds. <포트나이트> I will compete with my skills. There will also be cerrofs composed of the most successful artists such as Hong Jin-ho, an e-sports legend such as Lee Dong-dong, a sports star including Lee Seung-yeop in the national title, a B1A4 ceremony and a girl from the Luda space.

In addition, tournament visitors can watch performances of the rapper, flapper, rupee, who won first or second place at the showmaster money 777, as well as hyori from the cista and AOA girls group.

<포트나이트 코리아 오픈 2018>Tickets can be purchased via Interpark tickets. Ticket prices are 10,000 won for seat A and 5,000 won for seat B. Souvenirs will be presented to buyers. On-site balances are available on the day of the event for those who have not purchased tickets in advance, but the ticket price is higher than that of usual Internet purchases.

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