The budget review, which has already begun, is about to end two days before the judicial process (Dec. 2), five days in advance.
The government should cut the oil tax rate by 4 trillion won more than expected,
The journalist Joe Eunji.
The so-called budget of the entire filtering process has been removed.
There was no difference between the 4 trillion won of fiscal deficit, although the Taliban Talks found themselves face to face.
The secretary general of the Korean government, Jeong Jae-won, called on the government and the ruling party to take back 4 trillion won from the bill, saying that they were putting all responsibility back in the National Assembly.
[장제원 / 국회 예결특위 자유한국당 간사 : 여러분이 저질러 놓은 퍼주기, 삭감해서 와야죠. 스스로 삭감해서 와야죠. 스스로 감액해서 와야죠. 대책 있습니까? 차관님, 있어요, 없어요?]Lee Hye-hoon, ruling party secretary Uri, said the government and the ruling party had proposed reducing the oil tax since the drafting of the budget.
[이혜훈 / 국회 예결특위 바른미래당 간사 : 정부 여당이 국민들에게 생색낸 부분에 대해서 야당이 뒤치다꺼리하면서 돈을 만들어야 하는 기형적 정국이죠. (이런 기형적 정국은) 헌정 사상 처음입니다.]In addition, the Democratic Coordinator said that the budget adjustment bill had not yet been finalized and that the budget revision process was underway. Budget supremacy should therefore be respected in a timely manner.
[조정식 / 국회 예결특위 더불어민주당 간사 : 소위는 소위대로 빨리 진행하고, 정부는 그사이에 여러 다양한 변수를 감안한 대책들을 강구하고….]At the end of the repeated meanders, the helicopter meeting ended without much progress and the air war continued at the ruling party level.
The ruling party urged the opposition party to return to the budget review, saying parliament can not be fooled for any reason.
[홍영표 / 더불어민주당 원내대표 : 세수 변동은 예결 소위를 통해 여야가 충분히 논의할 수 있는 문제입니다. (그럼에도 예산 심사 거부는) 예산을 볼모로 정쟁하겠다는 의도로밖에 해석되지 않습니다.]The opposition party has been holding firm to the fact that the government was responsible for the tax revenue deficit and taking action.
[김성태 / 자유한국당 원내대표 : 나라 살림 4조 원이 펑크 나는 마당에 달랑 종이 한 장으로 대책에 갈음할 수 없다는 점은 정부 스스로 잘 알고 계실 겁니다.]The two representatives, who were responsible for the meeting, held an informal meeting with Senior Vice President Cheong Wa Dae and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance Kim Yong-jin.
It is to be feared that the tighter arm of the ruling party will lengthen and that it will be difficult to meet the deadline of the next two-month budget bill.
However, some observations indicate that if the rumor continues, we will find points of contact during underground conversations, because we will all feel overwhelmed.
YTN Joon Eunji[[email protected]].
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