United Kingdom and Netherlands have fined Uber and "57 million personal information leaks"


Uber, a car-call service company, has been fined hundreds of millions of dollars in England and the Netherlands because of a leak in the United States. customer information in 2016.

According to Reuters, the British Information Security Agency (ICO) has fined £ 385,000 and fined Uber about 560 million won.

The Dutch Information Protection Commission (DPA) also imposed a fine of 600,000 euros and about 770 million won in Über.

"Uber has not only failed to secure the information, but has also overlooked the problem of personal information disclosed by customers and drivers," said the Information Commissioner. "Nobody was warned at the time of the flight and received neither help nor support".

In October and November 2016, Uber hacked personal information about customers and drivers for 57 million people around the world.

Uber, however, was surprised after hackers hid money after hiding it.

At the time, only 2.7 million customer information had been disclosed in the UK. It also indicated where and how many of the 82,000 drivers were active and how much money had been transferred to the hacker.

In the Netherlands, 174,000 personal details have been disclosed.

(Photo: Getty Images Korea)

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