US Managing Director Announces Large-Scale Restructuring Plan … Mueller's Special Testimony "False Testimony of Manor Port"


It is time for the United States to send out strong American news.

What are the news today?

General Motors (GM), the largest automaker in the United States, has announced a major restructuring plan. To this end, GM has decided to close its five North American factories and export many workers. Paul Mannapot, a former Robert Muller attorney who was the subject of lawsuits, said he had lied. The Special Rapporteur should prosecute Mannerport on other charges. I will tell you that NASA's new Mars probe has landed successfully.

Host) yes. Let's see the first news of "America Now". GM, the world's largest automaker, made an important announcement on Monday.

Reporter) Yes. GM has announced a major restructuring plan. The key is the closure of five plants in North America, cuts and the production stop of some models.

General Motors (GM) is a symbol of American manufacturing, right?

Reporter) Yes. This is the largest car manufacturer in America. It's a company that challenges the first and second world places. "General Electric (GE)" or GM, as you just said, are not only American manufacturers, but also representative companies of the United States.

I would like to know the details of the restructuring plan announced by GM: where is the plant that stops?

Reporter) There are five plants in Ontario, one in Ohio, two in Maryland and two in Michigan. Among them, there are three car badembly plants and two engine manufacturing plants. Two plants outside North America will close by the end of 2019. I have not announced where it was.

How much is reduced?

Reporters) We plan to export 15% of paid employees and 25% of executives. The number of people is about 14,000 or more. Of these, there are more than 6,000 production workers and about 8,000 office workers. GM has already recruited a pension plan for 18,000 skilled employees in October.

You said that there was a car that completely stopped production?

Reporter) Yes. All six models. The Chevrolet has locks, cruises and impalas. Lacrosse for Buick vehicles and XTS and CT6 systems for Cadillac vehicles will be discontinued.

GM) What is the reason for GM's major restructuring this time?

Reporter) The goal is to focus on cars and promising companies in the future with the cost of saving and reducing the size. GM is expected to save $ 6 billion a year by the end of 2020 through this restructuring.

I think it's a promising car and business in the future, but you wonder what that means?

Reporters) There are electric cars and autonomous vehicles. It can be a vehicle sharing company as a business.

What was the Chevrolet Volt that GM decided to stop production was not an electric car?

Reporter: Bolt is not exactly an electric car. "Hybrid (HYBRID)" with gasoline engine. It's not just hybrid vehicles that GM has said it will focus on the future, but it's a car that works completely like an "electric battery".

In addition to electric cars, this self-drive is also a technology that has recently attracted attention.

Reporter) This is true. The global auto industry is focused on developing autonomous cars that people do not drive and that cars drive themselves. GM will also focus on the development of this autonomous car. In addition, the car sharing business refers to a company that shares cars like Uber or Lift in the United States.

What is the reason for stopping production?

Reporters) were also subject to weak sales. All cars are covered. Nowadays, Americans tend to prefer the SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle), a bigger car rather than a "sedan". Thus, it is reported that the American company Ford Motor will soon stop the production of two sedans.

As a result of GM's mbadive reduction, more than 10,000 jobs will be lost in the US, is not that bad news for President Donald Trump, who is putting the focus on United States?

Reporter) Yes. Of course. President Trump was very unhappy with the announcement made Monday by GM.

[녹취: 트럼프 대통령] "I was very difficult …"

President Trump told reporters that he had called GM's CEOs before leaving for the state of Mississippi. President Trump said that the United States had done a lot for GM and had to get back to work soon. The US government has supported large-scale rescue operations following the 2008 global financial crisis.

President Trump is committed to creating many jobs in the US auto industry during the last election campaign.

Reporter) Yes. In fact, Michigan and Ohio, located in the closed areas of the factory, played a crucial role in Trump's victory in the last presidential election. The reason these regions supported President Trump was that he hoped to save the local economy in decline. The announcement of GM is an attempt to counter this expectation.

Host) What about the local reaction?

Reporters) Unions and local federal lawmakers strongly opposed GM's announcement. The Prime Minister of Canada, Ms. Stuttgart, also said that he would do everything possible to help families lose their jobs and the rest in Ontario.

Paul Mannport, former leader of the Donald Trump presidential campaign.

Paul Mannport, former leader of the Donald Trump presidential campaign.

) I'm listening to "America Now". Did you notice something attractive about Paul Mannaport, pursued by Robert Muller, who investigated the Russian scandal?

Reporter) Yes. The Special Rapporteur is scheduled to arrive in Washington on 26 April. This comes from the documents you submitted to the federal court. The Special Rapporteur insisted that Manorport had lied even after accepting the prosecution. The Special Rapporteur asked the court to decide on the date of the conviction of Mr. Paul Mannport, who was indicted by a special prosecutor, was Trump's electoral adviser for some time during the last US presidential election .

What is the term "plea bargaining"?

Reporter) This is true. It's the plea to be relieved in exchange for a guilty plea. Meanwhile, Mannport's attorney baderted that Mr. Mannaport had fully cooperated with the Crown, claiming that he had not violated the agreement.

Mr. Mannerport remembers that he had been repeatedly accused of a special investigation.

Reporter) This is true. All three. The first is not registered, but works as a foreign government agent, the second is tax evasion and financial fraud. The third was accused of testifying. Of these, Washington D.C. These are the first and third charges brought by the Federal District Court.

Mr. Mannerport has already been found guilty of the other charges?

Reporter) Yes. A second trial was held in the Federal District Court of Alexandria, Virginia, where a jury was found guilty. Manaport should be sentenced to a maximum sentence of 10 years imprisonment. The lawsuits filed by Manaport apply only to the Washington trials. This does not include previously convicted trials.

The supporter claimed that Manaport had lied, but what did he say in particular?

The press officer did not say what Mr. Manaport had been lying about. However, he is supposed to be linked to the investigation of the Russian scandal of the prosecution. It seems that Mr Mannaport did not lie or provide us with any relevant information about the Russian scandal.

Mr. Mannerport is known to be directly related to the Russian scandal?

Reporter) Yes. During the last election, it is presumed that the Trump faction has useful information for a special investigation. Mr. Mannaport also attended the so-called Trump Tower meeting, which the Special Investigator deems important. The Trump Tower meeting revealed to Trump's presidential leadership that a Russian lawyer who claimed to have information against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton had met.

So what happens to the lawsuit against Mr. Mannaport?

Prosecutors and lawyers have asked the court to set a sentence against Mr. In addition, the Special Rapporteur may conclude that the agreement has been violated and further prosecute Mannaport for heads of state. remaining charge. On the other hand, it is emphasized that the Brotherhood is broken with Mr.

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Host) "America Now", one more thing to hear. Is there a slope in the American space science community?

Reporter) Yes. NASA's InSight Mars probe landed on Mars on Monday. At the announcement of the landing, staff at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), located in western California, garnered applause, and JPL was in charge of this. mission. The "Insight", the size of a car, was launched in May at Atlas 5 in California and landed in the plain of Elysium after 500 million kilometers traveled, nearly seven months.

) The landing process was broadcast on a big screen in Times Square in New York, attracting a lot of attention, because it was so difficult?

Reporter) This is true. The process, from the entrance of Mars to the landing, is called "Fear of seven minutes", because it is necessary to fly at 20 000 km / h faster than a ball and to land at a speed close to 0 in 6 minutes and 30 seconds. In addition, there are many difficult barriers, such as the ability to withstand at least 500 degrees Celsius and deploy a parachute, said NASA, according to which the process was as fluid as in the manuals.

Are all these processes coordinated by the Earth?

Reporters). This was done automatically depending on the program you entered in advance. It takes about eight minutes to signal Mars to arrive on Earth. The signal arrives after the end of the situation. So I can not control it here.

But this is not the first time NASA has sent a probe to Mars.

Reporter) Yes, this is the eighth time we have landed successfully. It was the first time the Vikings were launched in 1975. In 2012, six years ago, the "Curiosity" was sent to Mars.

How to Landing? Insight & # 39; this time compare to previous explorers?

Mars Pathfinder, Sojourner and 'Curio City', who had previously landed on Mars, wandered on the surface of Mars on wheels, not on 'Insight'. He has three legs without wheels and stays on the lands of the plain of the Elysee. This is the first time we study inside Mars.

How do you study inside Mars?

First, we use a seismic system to detect the vibration of an earthquake on Mars and allow scientists to obtain data on the formation of rocks by seismic waves. This is a huge nail-shaped instrument, boring at about 5 m depth and measuring the temperature inside the Mars planet. It is said that he measures his activity. I also intend to understand how the axis of Mars moves through the radio waves, so you can know if the interior of Mars is liquid or solid.

When will you receive these materials from your district?

Reporter) He seems to have to wait a bit. "Data collection by Insight can take up to six months," NASA said. "Insight" will be active for the next two years and this "Insight" plan cost $ 850 million.

Host) yes. & # 39; America Now & # 39 ;, today is here.

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