Mark Long "I will not reach the presidential election …" … Nuclear Energy Reduction Plan delayed by 10 years


European energy policy

Nuclear power plant in France

"The plan presented in the presidential election is hard to realistically achieve.Nuclear energy is a reliable, low-carbon, low-cost energy."

French President Emmanuel Mark Long broadcast live Tuesday the "2019-2028 Energy Plan" and asked you to understand that he was unable to keep his promise. President Mark Long has promised to reduce to 50% by 2025 the nuclear dependency rate of more than 70% in last year 's presidential election, but announced that he push back the deadline to 2035 by 10 years.

President Mark Long has promised to reduce the number of people by 2025 to succeed to the presidency of President Francois Hollande during the presidential election. President Mark Long has distinguished himself from President Trump, who left the Paris Convention on Climate Change with the slogan "Great Again Great Earth", a parody of the slogan of the US presidential election Donald Trump. However, when they excessively reduced low-carbon nuclear power plants, they faced the dilemma of increasing the number of coal-fired plants, which are considered to be the main cause of climate change.

"The goal of our energy policy is to reduce the toxicity of fossil fuels," said President Mark Long. "From here 2022, we will stop all production of thermal energy and invest 8 billion euros per year for renewable energies". He said .. By 2035, he announced the closure of 14 nuclear power plants and a reduction in the proportion of nuclear power plants.

But this is not the easy way. President Mark Long has announced that he will close its doors by the summer of 2020. However, he is trying to close the Pesenheim nuclear power plant from 2012, but he has been carrying measles ever since. more than six years. Whenever a nuclear power plant is shut down, there are thousands of unemployed people and the local economic base is shaken. Large-scale public subsidies are therefore inevitable.

President Marc Long recently raised a tax on diesel fuel, considered the main cause of environmental pollution, to prepare a budget to deal with climate change and reduce oil consumption. A big "yellow vest" centered on the poor, like the taxi driver, "We are fighting to face the opposition protests.

Due to these difficulties, President Mark Long decided to create concrete advice under the auspices of the Prime Minister for three months and to discuss concrete solutions to three-dimensional economic, social and regional policies.

France is not the only country in transition of energy policy. Germany is deeply concerned by its plan to abolish nuclear power plants by 2022 and by 2030.

The Coal Committee, composed of experts, has decided to announce the plan to abolish COP24 (COP24) of the 24th United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP), which will begin the month next, but decided to postpone it on February 1 after the controversy. After trying to shut down the lignite power plant, thousands of unemployed people appeared and the three former East German governments responded: "The central government should provide concrete help". Treasury Secretary Olaf Schultz, who attended the meeting on coal, said: "It is difficult to inject additional taxes because of the financial burden." It is difficult for the government to ignore it because there will be regional elections next year.

Meanwhile, as the 15 nuclear power plants have reached the end of their lives, Britain, which plans or plans to build 13 new nuclear power plants, is in trouble. In fact, Great Britain, which entrusts the construction of nuclear power plants to foreign companies, realizes excessive profits for these companies, and no company can participate in the construction of nuclear power stations if the prices of electricity are too high and the response of the population is excessive. The British Financial Times (FT) criticized last week's editorial stating, "Do not be controversial when building nuclear power plants, but rebuilding your energy projects in the long run."

Poland, which hosts the COP24 meeting next month, is criticized by environmental groups for the proportion of fossil fuels as the main cause of climate change, reaching 80%. By the year 2050, he announced that it would reduce the share of fossil fuels by 50%, but the most efficient energy source gas is imported from Russia, which is the object of A military confrontation. Security problems arise and the problem worsens.

PARIS = correspondent for Dong Jung Min [email protected]

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