Han Yoo, parents' controversial mobilization at the 29th gathering


Allocation of quotas to children's gardens
Send a home correspondence to find out if you want to participate … Some pre-parentheses are also available.

The Korean Kindergarten Association has confirmed that it has awarded a "parent recruitment quota" to its kindergartens, in anticipation of a rally against the "Kindergarten Act 3" for the eradication of kindergartens. Small children's gardens have more than two parents and large children's gardens have more parents mobilized. Some kindergartens encourage parents to send parental correspondence to their children. Other kindergartens reportedly asked "Alba" to participate in the rally on behalf of their parents, as they were concerned about the conflict with their parents.

Han Yoo will open a complete resignation contest for educators and parents' representatives from the country's private preschools on December 29, at Gwanghwamun Square in Seoul, Dec. 29. In a previously issued press release, Han Yu said: "The presidents of the kindergartens, founders and parents' representatives opposed to the kindergarten law 3 will express aloud." About 10,000 people will participate. intention to bring parents and kindergarten teachers to the front of the badembly at the rally.

During a conversation with the Dong-A Ilbo on the 27th, a Seoul official A kindergarten officer said, "We have reduced the parents' quota according to the size of kindergarten," he said. he declares. I was able to discover him. "

Kindergarten B in Gyeonggi region sent questionnaires to parents through their children. In the questionnaire, the name of the child was written and "○, ×" was displayed to indicate attendance at the meeting. Parent Kim said: "I recently attended Kindergarten to announce" the next year's plan of operation and the president of the kindergarten said that there was only one Meme it time for public relations. "

Joe Yura reporter [email protected]

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