[국제]Russia and members of the crew of Napoca Ukraine Trap arrested for two months



Russia, which seized the Ukrainian Black Sea trench at the Azov Sea, decided to arrest the Ukrainian crew members for two months.

Russia criticized Ukrainian traffickers for failing to make a statement, saying the Ukrainian president had acted provocatively to improve his approval rate.

The reporter Park Byung Han reports.


The conflict between Russia and Ukraine about the Crimean Peninsula is intensifying.

Ukrainian navy ships captured by Russia enter the Simferopol court on the Crimean peninsula under the control of Russia.

The court decided to arrest two Ukrainian crew members for two months, until January 25 of next year.

They were charged with "unauthorized group menstruation" under the Penal Code.

Ukrainian crews called to be innocent.

[유리 부질로 / 우크라이나 함정 승조원 : 러시아와 선박의 자유항행 협정이 맺어져 있어 우크라이나 선박은 아조프 해에 자유롭게 진입할 수 있습니다.]

Russia captured two Ukrainian navy ships and a tugboat to cross the Kerch Strait from the Black Sea to the Azov Sea and was dragged to the port of Kerch in the Crimean peninsula.

Russia baderted that Ukrainian vessels had not been subject to prior notification or approval procedures for crossing the Kerch Strait.

In addition, about the declaration of martial law by the Ukrainian government after the war was taken, the Ukrainian president criticized the fact that he provoked a provocation to increase his approval rate before the war. elections.

[드미트리 메드베데프 / 러시아 총리 : 이번 도발은 우크라이나 현 대통령에게 유익하도록 하기 위해 저질러졌을 가능성이 높습니다.]

Moreover, the Ukrainian Navy refuted the fact that the Russian side had informed the Ukrainian ships in advance of their planned pbadage in the Strait.

While Ukraine is divided into pro-Western and pro-Russian rivalries and as Russia's intervention becomes more and more popular, the Crimean Peninsula is again turning into a European gunpowder.

YTN is the Byung Han Park.

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