5 Seoul to strengthen the forces of the sea of ​​the West … Chairman of the special committee Vision for the future – Chosun.com


Entry 2018.11.28 15:02
| Revision 2018.11.28 16:31

Former Seoul mayor, Oh Se-hoon, is expected to attend the free party organized by South Korea on April 29th.

Oh Se-hoon, former mayor of Seoul. / Shipbuilding Base

A leader of the Korean party said, "Tomorrow, the mayor of the city, Oh Se-hoon, decided to present a letter of acceptance, Oh, would have been scheduled to hold a press conference after the party ceremony. said: "I see Oh-kun as a leader of the conservative right, which will bring a new vitality to the party."

Oh, the mayor said on his Facebook the same day: "Although the incompetence of the Moon Jae-in regime
"I think that the free Korean government can be reborn as a more capable political power, so that we can create new hopes and visions for the people," he said.

Oh, the mayor said, "I am a free political party that will take people in need harder, will become a sympathetic party to people loved by the people, and a future party that will lead the era of the newspaper that will begin with the Fourth Industrial Revolution – I will take the lead to become. "" I will keep my party under difficult circumstances and pay tribute to the hard work of its members to fight the congestion of the Moon Jae-in regime, and I will give you a little strength with all your heart and soul. " I hope to open a new future and help a little to make a policy that will improve people's lives. "

Oh, the Mayor met with Kim Byeong-joon, Chairman of the Emergency Committee, and coordinated the timing of the party's entry into the country. Oh, the mayor met with the media at a special conference the day before and said: "We will have to enter the Korean government soon." However, he would be worried about going to the National Assembly.

Mr. Oh intends to chair the special committee on the vision for the future, newly created within the party.

Oh, who entered politics as a member of the 16th National Assembly, was in the 33rd and 34th markets of Seoul. Oh, the mayor is a representative figure of conservative forces. He is also a strong candidate for the Korean National Congress, scheduled for next February.

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