Football, football, football … Hospital transport


▲ Pro Football Gwangju FC midfielder Lee Seung-mo was injured in the first leg and match against K League 2 (2nd Division) at the Daejeon World Cup Stadium on 28 August.

Gwangju FC midfielder Lee Seung-mo was injured in the Daejeon Citizen playoff and transfer to the hospital.

Lee Seung-mo, today (28th) stage of the Daejeon World Cup, K League 2 (2nd Division) surrendered the PO Daejeon and 3 minutes before the match against the opposing team Yoon Kyeong-bo .

Lee Seung-mo, who was far from his head, immediately lost consciousness.

The referee immediately ran and started the artificial respiration, and the first members of the team rushed to the ground and reacted urgently.

Lee Seungmo was taken to a ground ambulance after a period of emergency treatment and was transferred to a nearby hospital.

A gwangju official said, "Fortunately, Seungmo's consciousness has come to life again," he said. "I have very bad neck.

(Photo: Yonhap News)

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