MK News – Record Two Years of Bear Research … Special Documentary & # 39; Bear & # 39; from MBC


The documentary "Bear & # 39; from MBC TV highlights bears that are disappearing due to climate change and human desire.

On March 28, MBC TV announced the broadcast of a documentary "Bear" in UHD (super high definition), a feature of its foundation next month.

& # 39; Bear & # 39; is a story about all the bears on the earth disappearing from human selfishness.

Produced by Kim Jin-man PD Division, who directed "The Tears of the Amazon" (2009) and "Tears of the South Pole" (2011).

With a total production cost of 1.5 billion won, he set the longest record in the history of the MBC documentary, with a total of 5,000 hours and 300 terabytes (TB) of film for two years .

"Prologue" opens over two years from the movie "Bear's Land".

The first part, "Bear's Land", shows the natural adaptation and the miracle of the birth of a half-moon bear lost in a trap on Jiri mountain, l & # 39; Adventure of the survival of the family of polar bears and the tough bear encountered in the village of Kamchatka.

In the second part, "The Fall of the King", the story of the cult of the bear, people who worship him now and bears trapped in a narrow barn looking for a circus or an exorcism.

In the third part, "Dream of Coexistence", recount the return of the bird bads in the Korean Peninsula after the extinction crisis and the spread of bears in crisis due to climate change and the destruction of l & # 39; environment.

"Epilogue" contains the end of the two-year trek.

The narrator has become a hot topic for the actor Jeong Hae In. He will add a touch of "Bear" in a low, resonant voice.

Kim Jin-man PD said at the press conference held at the MBC's Sangam-dong on the 28th: ​​"I've learned how important bears are to animals when they study. the Bears."

"Even though it's hard to create, it's because of the technology used by UHD technology to give a documentary about the environment." I think the environmental issue transmitted to the image quality expressed with end is excellent to share with people. I wanted to convey a message about the environment. "

Regarding the fact that Jeong Hae In was responsible for the storytelling, he said: "I will try to give a talented actor for the acting game."

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