Yoon, Chang-ho's friends, "I ran for two months to let you know that" driving while intoxicated is a murder "…"


Kim Min-jin, a friend of the drunk driving victim, Yoon Chang-ho, made a statement at a press conference urging the government to severely punish the

Kim Min-jin, a friend of the drunk driving victim, Yoon Chang-ho, made a statement at a press conference urging the government to severely punish the "Yunhoe-ho law" ". [뉴스1]

An amendment to the Law on the Punishment of Crimes and Serious Punishment (Yoon Chang-ho Law) was adopted at the plenary session of the Committee on Legislation and the Judiciary of the National Assembly on 28 October. following the case of Yoon Chang-ho, who died as a result of an impaired driving accident in Busan.

When the bill was pbaded, the death penalty of "more than five years of imprisonment", claimed by Yoon's friends, parties for the "Yoon Chang Ho Law", was not taken into account.

The amendment, which was decided the same day, increased the statutory form of the current year to life imprisonment or three years or more if the person was killed by conduct in state d & # 39; drunkenness. In addition, when a person was injured while intoxicated, she was sentenced to 10 years in prison or 5 million won or more and fined 30 million won or less, 15 years or less and a fine of 30 million won. .

In the original bill, the minimum sentence for the death sentence for impaired driving was "more than 5 years in prison". However, it was revised to "a sentence of 3 years or more" in the so-called debate on the 27th draft law. "Five years or more" is the lower limit of the crime of murder and the alleged lowering of the lower limit for reasons of equity compared to other laws. "Three years or more" is a sentence equivalent to a criminal offense.

Kim Min-jin, a friend of the drunk driving victim, Yoon Chang-ho, made a statement at a press conference urging the government to severely punish the

Kim Min-jin, a friend of the drunk driving victim, Yoon Chang-ho, made a statement at a press conference urging the government to severely punish the "Yunhoe-ho law" ". [뉴스1]

Kim said: "We went out for two months to deepen the phrase" drinking is a murder. "So I tried to keep the bottom line for five years," he said. It is said that it has been three years for equity, but the reality is not it. "

"Driving while intoxicated is different from the act itself hurting other people.So the alert is different.If you do not get caught, you will not be able to It is true that even if they kill a real person, they are released on probation, "he said." Even if this sentence exceeds three years, it is possible to collect even six months It is very likely that they will not go to jail because of drunk death. "

"People are dying every day intoxicated.It is said that the sentence should be pronounced on the basis of" murder, do not ask, murder "," but the so-called "It does not accurately reflect the "Throughout the meeting, we urge you to make a decision on murder without the seriousness of impaired driving."

Afternoon afternoon, a meeting with a friend Yoon Chang-ho, Ha Tae-kyung and Kwon Eun-hee, a legislator for the future, will urge Kwon Eun- hee, a legislator for the future, to strengthen justice. [뉴스1]

Afternoon afternoon, a meeting with a friend Yoon Chang-ho, Ha Tae-kyung and Kwon Eun-hee, a legislator for the future, will urge Kwon Eun- hee, a legislator for the future, to strengthen justice. [뉴스1]

But at the plenary session of the Ministry of Justice, the so-called bill was pbaded. "We considered that the types of crimes related to impaired driving were very different and we adjusted our punishment to a similar type of" deadly force of Shanghai and deadly force beaten "."

"The judiciary has ordered the Supreme Court Conviction Committee to try the middle clbad on impaired driving, unless there are special circumstances in the preparation of the relevant sentencing standards," he said. declared. .

The bill will be finalized when it is approved by the plenary session of 29.

Jeong Eun Hye reporter [email protected]

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