[사회]Victims of the Mitsubishi Workers' Strike and Confirmation of the Victory of Forced Labor



The Supreme Court ruled that Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, a war criminal society under Japanese colonial rule, would compensate victims of workplace accidents and forced labor.

This is the same as the decision of the Supreme Court of the Supreme Court which recognized Nippon Steel's liability for damages last month.

Press reporter to connect. New

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Japanese companies' responsibility towards the victims forced by the Japanese government.


Yes, the two judges against Mitsubishi Heavy Industries rendered a final judgment.

First of all, this is the case of workers' victims.

The victims and their families received compensation of 100 million won out of a total of 150 million won in the case of a lawsuit filed by four victims of mental disorders, including Yang Geum-deok, and a survivor.

On March 30, the Supreme Court ruled that a Japanese company had to pay child support for torture and acts of anti-Japanese violence and against the Japanese colonial regime.

In May 1944, just after finishing primary school, she and her grandmother were mobilized at a military factory in Japan and forced to do hard labor because of the remarks made by the Japanese Prime Minister.

In 1999, he sued the Japanese government and Mitsubishi in a Japanese court, but ultimately lost in 2008.

In 2012, when the Supreme Court ruled that forced male victims could claim damages from Japanese companies, they filed a complaint in our court.

Mitsubishi decided that Mitsubishi should compensate for the illegal act of placing teenage girls in military factories and forcing them to work for more than three years. He was sentenced and sentenced in the second part of the Supreme Court, which was in charge of the trial today.

One of the plaintiffs, Kim Sung-joo, a ninety-nine-year-old man, said after returning from work that he was working at a workplace immediately after his conviction and that his finger had been hurt.

The victims of Mitsubishi's victory were also victorious.

This is a lawsuit filed in 2000 by five victims of forced labor, such as Park Chang-hwan and her bereaved families, who claimed a salary and alimony they were not receiving while working in a factory and a shipyard in Hiroshima, Japan.

This is the first lawsuit against victims of Japanese companies.

It had been 10 years since the illegal act was over and the victims were found to have expired.

However, in May 2012, the Supreme Court ruled that the victims' claims were valid and decided to reimburse 80,000 won per victim in the second round.

The Supreme Court has spent five years in the Supreme Court, suspecting the Justice Department of Yung Sung Tae of delaying the trial in order to deal with Park Geun-hye.

The decision of the Supreme Court, which acknowledged responsibility for the compensation of Nippon Steel, was issued on July 30 and is expected to allow victims who were forced to force their way into the occupation. to continue their decision.

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