I do not think so – Chosun.com


Entry on 2018.11.29 11:30
| Revision 2018.11.29 13:44

The former mayor of Seoul, Oh Se-hoon, one of the conservative fighters of the ruling camp, joined the party of South Korea on May 29, drawing attention to the situation. another former prime minister, Jang Ryong-ryong. According to rumors, Hwang would be at the forefront of polls, winning the presidential candidacy. Hwang (Chung, Park, Geun-hye) has worked a lot on Hwang before, but I'm going to Django for the future.

Former Prime Minister of Administration Hwangryeong / Rapporteur Nankangho

Until the presidential election … Various scenarios surrounding Hwangyo
In the conservative camp, there are different political scenarios surrounding Hwang. Although we have not yet clarified our course, we have the prospect of embarking on real policies. The problem is the timing and the way.

It is an observation that Hwang will run in the National Assembly, which is supposed to be held in February next year. We look forward to such a scenario centered on the profaners. The affirmative party sees the possibility of running for the candidacy of former presidential candidate Hwang. A recent legislator would have urged him to run for president and former president Hu Jintao. Lee said, "I should go to the army and go to the horses," and Hwang said, "I'll think about it."

However, if the Korean people who met Hwang make a statement, his chances of running for president are low. This is because it is possible to receive a hit at the prefecture only when it is injured early in the beginning. A pro-government legislator said: "Hwang still does not seem to have thought of coming to the party," he said.

In this case, Hwang could consider going directly to the presidential election instead of the party headquarters. At a recent meeting with a South Korean official, Hwang would have expressed this opinion. Given that the next presidential election will take place in March 2022, Hwang's entry point into the Korean party will probably be even more backward.

There is also a new ruling party led by Hwang. Hwang is expected to form a new party around Hwang when the party of victory will win him in the presidential election next year. Five prominent members of the group recruit active members for each of the five members to form a bargaining group and then a new party is created.

In the Korean party, he considers the new party in power as the degree of the favorable system for three rallies. It is said that he throws a warning message at Kim Byeong-joon, chairman of the contingency council, stating, "If the friendly person is renewed, she can go to Bundang." However, if Hwang is doing a full political campaign, it is unlikely that he is a good candidate. A congressman said: "Is it not possible that the human metamorphosis claimed by abductees is intentional,

◇ The first variable … "A limited image can be encumbered"

Hwang, which will be held before the 11th of next month, seems to be the first variable in Hwang's political movements. In the run-up to the presidential election, Chung (Chung Park Geun-hye), a resident party, Na Gyeong-won, a junior organic member, a party leader, Kim Hak-yong, a member of Kim Young- woo and a member of Yoo Jae- While the candidates are unified for each channel, it is expected that the race for the presidential election will run with the three confrontations of the Bihak system (non-Park Geun-Hye) and the affectionate system centered on the Bokwang wave.

If so, the representative of the Republican Party of Korea would have been promoted, but he should give more power to Mr. Nak Kyong-won, who is likely to be elected and a low sense of rejection. The allegation of support to my legislator, who approves the dismissal of Park Geun-hye, aims to not hand over the presidential representative to the party. Hwang apparently intends to support the race for the presidency.

If the party is victorious in the race for the presidential election and takes control of the party, it will lose its successful party position. As the party progresses, it may be possible to look for a "third way", focused on proactive legislators.

However, it is also suggested that if Hwang wants to win the presidential election within the Korean party, he should not put his political color on the "friend" side.

A party official said: "I'm going to have a lot of problems, but I'm afraid that the title of the presidential candidate is too heavy for the general public and I think it's necessary to prioritize my political power". .

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