Politics: Politics: News: Hankyoreh


List of Korean Party Representatives
& # 39; Beautiful & # 39; Organunjun · Yoo Jae-jung is going to run
Good neutral training

Na Kyung-won (left), Kim Yong-woo, Kim Hak-yong and Yoo Jae-jung, who belong to the presidential candidate who went to the party rally held by Korea in the hall. the Parliamentary Assembly on April 29, United Nations News

Na Kyung-won (left), Kim Yong-woo, Kim Hak-yong and Yoo Jae-jung, who belong to the presidential candidate who went to the party rally held by Korea in the hall. the Parliamentary Assembly on April 29, United Nations News

While the free elections of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party are approaching in about two weeks, a confrontational structure is forming between the faction and the opposition parties and the neutral zone. At the last minute, it is also possible that this does not converge with the three confrontations between the two parties.
On the 29th, Kim Byeong-yong, a non-BKK legislator, and Kim Hak-Gang Seok-ho, a member of the National Assembly, said, "We will concede to Kim Hak-yong." Kang said: "Due to the gathering of political views with Kim Hak-yong, he expects Kim Hak-yong to do better than me at the moment." Kang said: "As a senior, I abandon my juniors and I want to practice more value and tolerance to rebuild Korea's pay."
Kim Hak-yong will soon make a statement in which he said: "I wish to run in the presidential elections to mark a turning point for victory in the parliamentary elections.This year, I have eliminated the stigma of the elections. a defenseless welfare party and shown the value of opposition.The next year we must fight against the huge runaway of power.I know that I can fight well and I I'm going to stand on it. "
The same legislator, Kim Young-woo (a non-member of the BKK party), also announced his candidacy for the presidency the same day. Kim opened a press conference at the National Assembly and said: "The Moon Jae-in government is pushing the Republic of Korea into a crisis, in this situation the free Korean part is an alternative part to which people trust, it's too far, there's a lot to change, I'll come back to the regime by rejuvenating the party and changing it. "
Nak Gyeong-won, a non-negotiator but relatively neutral, declared his candidacy for the presidency the day before. "I will maintain the constitutional value of the Republic of Korea with one voice by putting an end to the struggle of the struggle, and I will preserve the constitutional value of the Republic of Korea. conservative gathers to elect a representative. "In the affirmative system, the organic legislature of the Republic of Korea has declared its decision to run early, and Yoo Jae-jung, a neutral propensity, has also expressed its willingness to run again recently. As a result, five members are currently in the presidential election.
The dominance of the "residual wave", which occupies the majority of the party, will be the main variable. Currently, Na Kyung-won is expanding her contacts with feminists. In an affirmative, there is a movement to push a substitute member who does not have the power that is lost because of the antipathy towards the party party. But among the party's strongest members, "I have a different way of walking with us". In an interview on BBS radio, the representative Kim said: "It is possible that the actions and political directions are similar," he said. I can not mix water and oil. "
In the non-banking system, if Kim Hak-yong and Kim Young-woo will make a single candidate at the last minute is a variable. Kim said: "It is not desirable to unify the relationship with a close relationship.When people see, they can not think they are going to the land depot," he said. "We can unify ourselves by sharing politics and philosophy.There is a saying to unify according to the disadvantages, but that does not correspond to the direction of unification, I think.I do not think at all for the moment. "
Kim Kyung-mi Kim, reporter, [email protected]

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