When I was assistant to a member of the House of Representatives … Horrible sharp


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[매일경제 스타투데이 김소연 기자]

Gong Ji-young (55) revealed that the author had been badaulted by the author of Shim Sang-dae (58).

The writer shared a Twitter user's comment on Twitter on the 29th and he said, "Yes, that's when the man was an advisor and this horror is still alive. .

The comment says, "I arrived like that a long time ago, is not it?" And the author wrote on Facebook the day before.

On May 28, a writer posted on Facebook on April 28 an article on the new book "The Stupid Pig", written by Shim Sang-jae, claiming that "I was a victim of badual harbadment once in my life".

The author of the ball said: "Several people were sitting in the bar and once at the bottom of the table, I stumbled between my thighs and hesitated. Immediately, other people woke me up and shouted and accused me of other perpetrators.

The artist, who was identified as an author of badual harbadment, was named "World Literature" in 1990, winning the 46th Hyundai Literary Prize in 2001, the 6th Kim Yoo Jeong Literary Award in 2012 and the 21st Han Literary Award Moo Sook in 2016. It's an average writer.

The author of Shim Sang-jae was sentenced to one year in prison for allegedly attempting to badault a woman in domestic affairs on several occasions in 2015 and imprisoning her in a car (injury special, etc.).

[email protected]

Pictures | Gong Ji Young SNS

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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