Ex-M's Cheonsoon Rongkoo Korea Officially Launched – Sports Trend


Rongu Korea <천존협객전M>Was officially launched on Google Play for 29 days.

The original online game on PC <천존협객전>Based on <천존협객전M>Is a martial arts game with various PVP systems such as scenarios and mbadive quests, 3vs3, 10vs10, melee combat and group headquarters.

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In particular, character-based character sets with distinctive occupancy features such as unlimited (tanker), blue (near the dealership), new (long distance dealer), white (long distance healer).

The company said: "The original online game on PC this game <천존협객전>It was launched in 2009 and was loved by national users. We will do our best to service the mobile version so that it can be reborn as a game that surpbades the fun and performance of the original version. "

To commemorate its launch, Rongkoo Korea offers a variety of items in the game such as Ogyeonggonghwa, Pure Fairy Chunks, The Mysterious Meteorites and Chopsticks each time they reach a certain level for a month after opening the server. In addition, users who have left screenshots and applause at Cheonan village's official coffee shop will receive a Google gift card via a lottery, share their promotional videos on their SNS and draw a ticket. entry for a movie CGV. (Two pieces) are presented.

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