Yoon Jae-joon "The problem is Lee Jae-myeong, President Moon comes"


"I think it's true that the support rate is down, but the pace is very slow, and it's slowly decreasing, and I can see that Mr. Moon's support base is relatively strong.

Moon Jae-in, first time president of the Minister of the Environment yesterday, Yoon, who served as a "mentor" for presidential candidates in the power and opposition camps for the first time since his inauguration, <정준희의 최강시사>In an interview with the president, Lee highlighted the president's "choice" on Lee Jae-myeong's branch in Gyeonggi.

Yoon said some opposition parties are talking about "lame duck" because of the power struggle inside the pbadport. This was the root cause of Lee Jae-myeong's problems in Gyeonggi Province, which were described as "hot potatoes," such as the "Hye Gyeong Kim Twitter account".

"Any form of struggle for power must be resolved quickly,

"It is very unusual for this kind of power struggle to take place inside the pbadport," he said. "It's a very bad phenomenon for the president," he said.

In particular, he expressed concern that the President should address this issue in any form, but the Chair does not seem to be actively involved. It was true that President Moon had not actively intervened in the dismissal of Kim Dong-yeon, former deputy prime minister of the economy, and Chung Hae-sung, former head of presidential politics.

Yoon said, "I do not think we should not fight without making political choices, and in a way it seems irresponsible as a government leader," he said. "If President Roh Tae-woo thought about it," he said.

However, he added, "any form of struggle for power, in any form whatsoever, directly or by any means whatsoever, must be resolved quickly and, where appropriate, it could result in life-threatening presidential leaders ". When asked if the president was directly involved in the party's work, he replied, "There are many ways to do this if you wish."

"The reason the current situation is reflected in the struggle for power inside the pbadport is not due to the specific words or tactics of Lee Jae-Myung." It is difficult to see such a fact, there are stories that have already appeared with specific names, "he said," and this framework is already present in the minds of many people ".

"There is a lot of pressure on the president's administration," he said, "and this is not the time to lead such a fight." Even if we use informal methods (President and Lee Hae-chan) I have to quickly face the head and fix it. "

"It is possible that the support fee is restored … Be careful not to be declared inconsistently"

In the meantime, Yoon does not make much sense with regard to Moon's declining presidential approval rate, stating: "I think it's very high compared to past presidents at this point, a year and a half after his inauguration. " "I think it's still too early to say that the phenomenon of" Lee, Young, Jae ", the 20-year-old, Yeongnam and his autonomous followers, is also a phenomenon.

In particular, "Those who withdrew from President Moon's government have nothing else to do, and if they do not turn to the free Korean party or the future just party, they are all in the middle zone. "He said.

However, he advised the president to acknowledge the reality of the economic problems that are causing the fall. "In my opinion, many people think that the perception of the president is real and very different," he said. "In general, our president, in my experience, is often told that he is not honest.

"The president recently spoke about the automotive and shipbuilding sector at the Cabinet meeting and said," Let's go to work when water arrives. "Some newspapers have even published an editorial, which is quite confusing." It is very important that the president overcomes this, "he said.

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