"Neighborhood hospitals are also private properties,


"Editors 'Choice" is the corner of today' s speech that has been selected by the editors of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. [편집자말]

The law "Park Yong-jin 3 Act", which reinforces the advertising of private children's gardens, has become a hot potato. The so-called "legislative struggle". On April 29, the Korean Children's Garden Association (Han Yu-gun) repeatedly asked for the guarantee of the establishment fee by removing the "group closure card" at the time of the General Assembly.

About 30 days of CBS radio <임미현의 아침뉴스>Lee Han-sun, professor at the Korea University, "As the private kindergarten is a different educational institution from the academy, it is not convincing to require fees for the use of the facility while enjoying the privilege of reducing taxes on acquisitions and on property. " Choosing the publisher of today.

"The same logic is that the local hospital, where the national health insurance benefits are the main source of income, is also privately owned, so the state must pay the costs of doing so. installation, which constitutes a typical water rush.I do not think that there is a problem with Park Yong-jin law 3.

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