[사회]A tent that leaves in 1,700 days "Stay in your memory forever"



The tide of the tide that lasted a year and which was preserved with tears, asking children not to forget their children, so please, bury their children in the sea.

Shortly after seven hundred and seven hundred days, the tent of the year will be demolished.

There is a new exhibition space on site, which means that the faces of the children come back.

I met Park Ki-wan.


Mother in yellow clothes stood on Gwanghwamun Square today.

It's been five years, but the heart of the heart is still the same as the tent of the season.

Especially when the seasons of the children leave, the chest becomes more disturbed.

[권미화 / 故오영석 군 어머니 : 5년…. 유난히 힘든 시기가 있어요. 남들 축하하고 기념하는 일들 그리고 꽃 피거나 이럴 때….]

The tent is built 70000 days.

The sanctuary is about to be demolished.

Baggage stacked with dust Battles have occurred in recent years.

[권미화 / 故오영석 군 어머니 : 처음에는 천막이 막 바람에 날아가고 그랬는데 모래주머니도 이용하고…. 마음 보태고 손 보태고 한 5년 동안으로 지금의 단단한 시민들 모임이 된 게 아닌가 싶어요.]

Families leave Gwanghwamun Square because they have a "safe and secure exhibition space" that commemorates disasters such as devastating disasters.

It also serves to emphasize the importance of safety consciousness to prevent another tragedy.

The tent disappears, but the family hopes that the newly created square will become an everlasting memory space of yearlong lessons.

YTN Park Ki Wan[[email protected]].

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