Moon on the day of the presidential warning "No, Valencia / YTN


[앵커]When President Moon Jae-in warned vehemently about economic reprisals related to history, the Japanese government said that it was not related to history, any more than retaliation

If we think that our export system is a problem, we refused to propose it together.

Hwang, reporter, reports to Tokyo.

[기자][문재인 대통령 : 과거사 문제를 경제 문제와 연계시킨 것은 양국 관계 발전의 역사에 역행하는, 대단히 현명하지 못한 처사라는 점을 먼저 지적합니다.]

The Japanese government claimed that the government had wrongly pointed out that President Moon had stated that Korea's export regulations stemmed from a complaint against this decision.

[스가 요시히 / 일본 관방장관 : 수출관리를 적절히 하는 관점에서 운용을 바꾼 것으로 (문 대통령의) 지적은 전혀 맞지 않습니다.]

This has nothing to do with the problem of history.

However, this is not true compared to the comments made by the Japanese government immediately after the announcement of the retaliatory measures.

[스가 요시히데 / 일본 관방장관 : G20 때까지 징용 문제와 관련해 만족스러운 해결책이 제시되지 않아 심각한 신뢰관계 훼손이라고 말할 수밖에 없습니다.] [아베 신조 / 일본 총리 : 상대 국가가 약속을 지키지 않는 상황에서 지금까지의 우대 조치는 취할 수 없습니다.]

Two days after the closure of the G20 in Osaka, the Japanese government announced a regulatory measure announced by the Cabinet Secretary Suwa and Prime Minister Abe.

It is expected that the relationship of trust between Korea and Japan will be damaged and that export control measures will be taken.

There is very little in the Japanese press that denies that this action is a matter of discipline.

The Japanese government has repeatedly stated that it was not a reprisal, claiming that it was not related to the problem of "me alone".

[세코 히로시게 / 일본 경제산업상 : 대항 조치는 아니라는 점을 처음부터 줄곧 설명해 왔습니다.]

When President Moon declared that it was difficult to lift suspicions about the sanctions violations imposed on North Korea for exporting strategic supplies, the Japanese government simply refused to give further details to justify security guarantees.

He also denied that the Japanese government would take over the verification proposal by an international organization if Japan believed that Korea's export control was a problem.

YTN in Tokyo is Hwang Bo-yeon.

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