What if you have intense menstrual pain? Fill your body with vitamin D | News / columns | History of health


"The moment of pain comes every month. Mr. A, who has severe menstrual pain, takes painkillers a few days before the scheduled date.
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Menstrual pain

Why do menstrual pains occur?

More than half of all women of childbearing age suffer from menstrual cramps, as well as abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, back pain and headaches.
Menstrual pain occurs when the endometrium produces an excess of a substance called "prostaglandin". If uterine contractions occur irregularly or excessively,
Ischemic conditions are induced and the pain develops.

The easiest way to relieve menstrual cramps is to take painkillers, the simplest and most common painkillers.
This is necessary. If you suffer from primary dysmenorrhea without organic problems, keep your stomach warm and stay away from smoking, coffee, fast food and instant catering.
It's good it's also a good idea to continue taking vitamins and magnesium.

Vitamin D

In 2012, the US team at Lennox Hill Hospital released a study showing that vitamin D3 had a beneficial effect on menstrual cramps. I have a menstrual cramp
After dividing 40 Italian women into two groups, only one group took vitamin D3 five days before menstruation. As a result two
A few months later, the group taking vitamin D3 had a 41% decrease in awareness of menstrual pain. "Vitamin D is the cause of menstrual cramps.
"It is thought to reduce pain by preventing the production of inflammatory prostaglandins and cytokines." Also one from the University of Mbadachusetts
Studies have shown low levels of vitamin D and calcium in women with premenstrual syndrome or dysmenorrhea.

In addition to vitamin D, there are other nutrients that relieve menstrual cramps. Evidence on Premenstrual Syndrome, Menstrual Pain and Breast Pain, published in the Journal of Family Medicine in 2005
The central nutritional therapy, "says the study, showed that calcium, vitamin B6 and sperm extract were effective against PMS and magnesium and vitamin B1 against menstrual cramps.

In addition to vitamin D, there are other nutrients that relieve menstrual cramps. Evidence on Premenstrual Syndrome, Menstrual Pain and Breast Pain, published in the Journal of Family Medicine in 2005
Central nutritional treatment, "the study found that premenstrual syndromes consisted of calcium and vitamin B6, cedar extracts and menstrual cramps with magnesium and vitamin B1.
Seems to be.

How to fill with vitamin D

Vitamin D can be filled by sun exposure, or by eating blue fish, animal liver, egg yolks or fungi.
Since it is a vitamin, it should be taken with fat or oil to increase the absorption rate. Daily intake of vitamin D in men and women is 5 μg,
In this case, pregnant women and nursing mothers should take 10 μg, twice as much as the general public. If you have excessive stress, lack of outdoor activities and irregular diets, taking vitamin D supplements is an option. Vitamin D is fat soluble
It is highly cumulative and may lead to hyperactivity. So be sure to follow your recommended daily consumption.

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