A 72-year-old man who died in a car accident killed two people at the time of the accident


A 72-year-old man who was killed and killed by two people in a car rush in Gwangjin-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, was found drunk when he was badaulted.

Alcoholic beverages and alcoholic beverages. Kim was taken to the hospital, and alcohol consumption was measured a few hours after the accident, and the police will send Kim's blood to the National Institute of Medicine. scientific investigation for a more precise measurement. According to the police, A (48 years old) and B (59 years old), who were killed by the police, were employees of the Gwangjin-gu office.

A police official said: "Kim is wearing a prosthesis because of a limb amputation disorder and will be studying various possibilities such as aging and disability in addition to consumption

At 17:39 the day before, the SUV that Kim drove to Gui-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, was parked with two pbadengers. I hit the car and stopped at the supermarket. Two people died and six were injured in this accident

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