A baseball game taken in the privilege ritual "driving while intoxicated" known as "always late" – Kookmin Ilbo


Lee Ji-Yeol (23), an infielder at Nexen Heroes, was revealed on April 28th.

The Nexen team pointed out that the report was voluntary. He added that he had asked the club to voluntarily report to the team the unexplained events related to various incidents and incidents, including drunk driving, from the 22nd to the 27th. process, Lee Ji-hee has voluntarily reported.

Lim Geo-yeol said that he had been caught in a crackdown on September 1, 2016 around 10 pm when he had left the road to go to a private parking lot after receiving a call for driving. a car near a non-smoking station in Seoul. The level of alcohol at the time of detection was 0.074%. The license was suspended for 100 days and the fine was rejected at 1.5 million won, Nexen said in a press release.

However, two years have already pbaded since the Im Ji-yeol affair. Lim Ji-yeol has been in the meantime for a while, so I wonder why I did not open it because I was late.

Drunk driving in Kangwon Province (26), which was transferred from NC Dynos to KT Wiz, took place in January 2014, well over four years later. The license was canceled and a fine of 4 million won was applied, but NC Dynos did not report to KBO FC. The point of caution is that drunkenness is caught at the time of official release.

The same goes for Lee Ho-joo (28), who joined Samsung Lions in second place in the second project of 2019. It was late last year. I was driving and I was fired. However, this fact is known recently.

The three cases are known in the world with the word "late". KBO also said that he did not know. With the exception of NC, Nexen and Samsung are in a "late" position.

It's a story that shows how professional baseball players think about how drunk driving is healthy. Clubs do not take things into account. Even Moon Jae-in said driving while intoxicated was a murder. It is urgent to change the perception of professional baseball players who are in the consciousness of privilege.

Kim Young Seok reporter [email protected]

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