A fleet of 20-year-old Marines, "A helicopter,


  The sick family of Park Moon (20) died on March 17 in front of Pohang Marines 1st Division in Gyeongsang Province on March 19 after a fall of MARINEON 2. Tears flow in answering journalists' questions. On the left, the life of Park Sang-bong. [연합뉴스·박 상병 유족 제공]

The sick family of Park Moon (20) died on March 17 in front of the 1st Division of the Pohang Marine Corps in Gyeongsangbuk-do Province on March 19 in the autumn of MARINEON. On the left, the life of Park Sang-bong. [연합뉴스·박 상병 유족 제공]

The only Marine Corps soldier who died in the No. 2 MARINEON accident in Pohang, Gyeongbuk Province, on December 17, raised the possibility of a defect in the air. ;helicopter.

Aunt Park Sang-bong said on the 19th: "Last month, my nephew pointed the Navy helicopter to his father who came to the unit and said," I do not not roll too much. It is said that he is excellent. "

" My nephew, who was in very good health, was badly damaged by an accident. I burned like a black charcoal, I could not open my eyes, "he said.

Members of the bereaved family of Park Sang-byeong said, "The wrecked Marinon No. 2 was also dangerous in the usual way." He claimed, "I had a car accident in a Helicopter impossible to fly. "In the end, this accident is also a talent," he said, "we need to clearly monitor the causes and responsibilities so that it does not happen again."

Park Sang Byeong, who attended the sports department of a private university in Seoul, participated in the Marines last April. He was proud to be a sailor and he died at the age of 20, when he left the country for nine months.

Park Sang-byeong's parents reported that they shed tears without eating properly because of the sadness of losing their children.

At the present time, five members of the Marine Corps family, such as Park Sang-byeong, are temporarily staying in the executive offices of the 1st Division of the Marine Corps. The military authorities have set up a joint ministry in the Daejik branch of the 1st Division of the Marine Corps and are discussing with their families the funeral schedule. However, bereaved families clearly state that if the cause of the accident and the punishment of the responsible person are not fulfilled properly, the funeral can not be held.

A marine helicopter crashed over 10 m during the test flight on the runway at Pohang Airfield at 4:45 pm on March 17, killing five Marines and one wounded. At the time of the accident, when the marine police unveiled the CCTV, the helicopter crashed while the rotor blades disappeared 4 to 5 seconds after takeoff. The Marine Corps and the Marines are studying the possibility of a problem with the defective part or maintenance of the rotating wing device.

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