A man who did a bad job after the murder of his sister, why he was sentenced to seven years in prison




A 20-year-old man who was arrested for slaughtering his sister after being killed by a murderer was sentenced to seven years in prison. The court explained the parents' repeated reasons for the sentence.

The first criminal justice department of the Daegu High Court (Park Joon-yong) announced on July 17 that he had been sentenced to seven years in prison for appeal against A (24) accused of murder, .

On January 17, Mr. A was turned over to the court for allegedly murdering his sister with a dumbbell and dying to go to a house where Mungyeong's mother and sister lived.

million. A, who had a grudge against a mother who had separated from her father at the age of six, found that she had found this house to badault her mother, who required psychiatric treatment for the control of anger.

At that time, her sister was lying on her cell phone and she was unhappy. She took her cell phone and spread the message. In the message, my sister sent a message to her mother saying, "My brother has no room to fix it."

million. A told the investigative agency that his sister and mother had killed his sister because she thought she was getting lost. Since then, he has been accused of having removed his dead sister's clothes and even doing bad things.

The court said: "The possibility of blaming social and moral charges against daring, cruelty and irritability of criminal methods is very high." However, he stated: "I have taken into account the fact that the defendant, who has only one surviving member of his family, as a parent, had the opportunity to receive a treatment psychiatric and that he embroidered after the crime.

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