A married woman married with hundreds of millions


[Busan = Newsweek] Reporter Ha Kyung Min Reporter: A 40-year-old married woman who captured hundreds of millions of dollars while approaching a 70-year-old active while divorced was captured by police.

According to the police, A knew that B (73), met by an acquaintance, was an badet and had misled her as a divorced woman and approached her as a lover. "

Mr. A is also accused of being an elderly person with a deaf and hearing-impaired senior," I am the sister of OO, and I can not pay the debts owed to him, but I beg you to lend me money. "As if she were a sister, he is accused of having intercepted another 400 million won.

Mr. A denied the accusation that the police officer had recognized the two stations as being a person but had granted the money for free, but the police stated that Mr. A said to Mr. B, "Do not proceed because I will pay for it.

Mr. A explained that most of the money he borrowed from Mr. B was used for reimbursement, living expenses and fundraising. 19659003] yulnetphoto @ newsis.

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