A senior member of the MPC "Financial stability, monetary policy should be completed"


The Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of Korea (BOK) of the Bank of Korea (BOK) said: "We should look at threats such as household debt". Koh Seung-bum, the central bank of the Bank of Korea, announced on the 18th to the central bank of the Bank of Korea on the theme of the need for financial stability that the government will reduce this year its economic growth forecast and that the rising rates will weigh on the national economy. "style =" cursor: pointer; "itemprop =" image "/>

<고승범 한국은행 금통위원이 18일 한국은행 본관에서 금융안정의 필요성이라는 주제로 발표하고 있다.>

While highlighting the phenomenon of the expansion of the interest rate differential between Korea and the United States, the prospect of "hawking" has also been somewhat revealed. The same day, Goh said at a meeting on the importance of financial stability held at the Bank of Korea's central bank in Seoul, quoting Professor Svenson: "Risk management is important. central bank, regulators and governments should actively cooperate in monetary and financial stabilization policies. "

For example, the case of the Swedish central bank in 2010 was mentioned. At that time, the central bank of Sweden was conducting a restrictive monetary policy in a situation where the real economy had not recovered.

He added that "issues of financial stability should first be addressed by the government's macroeconomic policies and complemented by monetary policy".

And that the domestic economy is in crisis. He said: "Concerns about employment have recently increased, but they will still fall to 100,000 people from February this year." "I think it's a structural problem, like losing the manufacturing competitiveness. "

The economy grew at an annual rate of 2.9%. The government also readjusted the growth forecast for the day to 2.9%.

also mentioned the risk of household debt. Compared to 2015-2016, household debt has stabilized, but the growth rate has exceeded the growth rate of household income.

Regarding the risk of capital outflows due to the reversal of the interest rate between Korea and the United States, "it will be distinguished from other emerging economies by good external credibility" , did he declare.

"Even if the key rate is reversed, there will be no large-scale capital outflows, which will not mean that the interest rate differential will have no effect on capital inflows, "he said. Recently, the rate of interest between the United States and the United States shows a reversal of interest rates in the short and long term over the entire period, as well as the key rate.

Reporter Ham Ji-hyun [email protected]

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