A severe cough changed my voice, reflux esophagitis ?!


The sphincter located between the esophagus and the stomach serves to tighten the contents of the stomach to prevent reflux. In case of abnormal sphincter, the contents of the stomach or duodenum pbades to the esophagus. It is reflux oesophagitis. Unlike the stomach, the esophagus does not have a mucous membrane that protects it from stomach acid. Therefore, stomach acid under reflux constantly stimulates the esophagus to cause inflammation.

At that time, digestive disorders, sore throat and foreign body sensations in the neck often occur. Reflux esophagitis should be suspected if these symptoms occur. In addition to sore throat and chest pain, acid reflux from the stomach can damage the throat, which sometimes changes the cough or voice.

If you experience these symptoms, avoid excessive drinking, fatty foods, spicy and irritating foods. In addition, soft drinks, fruit juices and coffee promote the secretion of stomach acid, so it is best to avoid them. Tight clothes also increase the pressure of the abdomen to promote gastric acid reflux.

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However, even if there is a symptom of temporary indigestion, it is considered neglected. However, once the sphincter weakens, it is difficult to treat or improve. "If reflux oesophagitis is repeated, the cells in the esophageal lining are transformed, which can cause esophageal cancer," said Kim Young-joe, director of the hospital's Dongtan City. "Avoid nightmares, Pressure on the sphincter is reduced and gastric acid reflux often occurs, therefore the weight must be reduced."

The National Health Insurance Corporation badyzed Big Data from 2012 to 17 and the number of patients suffering from indigestion increased from about 680,000 in 2012 to 600,000 in 2016 and then to 616,000 in 2017. The women are 1.5 times more numerous than men.

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