"Abolition of the obligation of storage, increase the burden of merchant fees … Consideration of amount, sales, exceptions of the industry" – Chosunbiz


Entry date: 2018.07.27 18:30

The abolition of the "credit card payment system" raised the allegation that the burden of fees for small and medium-sized businesses could increase.

KINS, "When the payment system of credit card obligations is abolished, it is necessary to understand the impact on consumers, credit card companies, merchants, the government and other parties

Credit card bond The franchisee refuses to pay the same card for an amount less than 1000 won, and it is likely that the commission burden will increase in the case of an affiliate store that can not increase The government has intervened in the calculation of the commission rate on credit cards by applying preferential commission rates to small and medium traders whose sales are less than 500 million won according to the bond payment system

   Commentators present their opinions during a debate on future direction credit card obligations held at Jungbu Bank Hall, Seoul on 27. /

Commentators present their views during a discussion on the theme "Future Orientation of Card Obligations" "credit" held at the Jung-gu Hall in Seoul on September 27th.

Meanwhile, small, medium and small traders are calling for the abolition of bond payments, saying that there is nothing left for commissions in the case of small payments such as cigarettes and the chewing gum. Currently, the financial authorities are reviewing the reductions in the fees of credit card stores and the abolition of duty reserves to reduce the burden of small business owners due to the increase in the minimum wage.

According to the former CEO, the commission rate may change depending on the bargaining power of the operator if the operator is allowed to choose whether or not to join the card franchise.

If the monopoly power of a franchisee is significant or if the amount of sales is large, he may ask for a low commission from the card company and the trader's contract. "If we continue the removal of the credit card obligation, we must clearly show the goal of attracting the domestic retail payment market in a more convenient, stable and less profitable,

The day the stakeholders in the debate showed a clear difference in the abolition of the credit card payment system.

Trade owners have voiced a voice asking them to d & # 39; abolish the mandatory payment system.

Vice President Lee Keun-jae of the Federation of Small Business said, "If you think about past card problems, do not you think that students or adults who do not do not have economic activities have a problem with the cards? Lee Yoon-keun, president of the Korea Supermarket Cooperative Association, said: "I think that there is a credit card system as a cause of the trade foreigners, he st says that card fees should be reduced.

It was also argued that if the obligation was abolished, it could be worse than the gain. Seo Young-kyoung, head of the YMCA Seoul, said, "If you decide to abolish the mandatory payment system or receive a small amount of money for a certain amount or less, consumers end up with close their wallets or turn the steps. "

The card industry said that it could consider abolishing the mandatory payment system for small payments.

The Korean Credit Finance Association" The settlement of less than 10,000 won represented 47% of total sales, which represents 2% of total sales, "said the director of the commercial division," It seems that we can think seriously about the abolition of storage. "

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