Achievement that director Kim Ji-woon wanted to show as & # 39;


Kim Ji-woon from the movie "In Lang" (Photo courtesy of Warner Brothers Korea)

※ There is a spoiler.

On February 27th I met. His new work, which dates back two years since his "moojung", has had many remarkable factors in many ways. He has attracted attention with his colorful models such as Kang Dong Won, Han Hyo Ju, Jung Woo Sung, Kim Moo Yeol, Han Lee Han and Choi Min Ho.

To what extent does the action of Energetic battles of the "happy fighters" was it possible in animation, how much it appears on the screen, how does the protagonist who is loyal to the group of belonging express the anxiety of Finding humanity was a particularly curious part of the public before the release.

The evaluation of "inang", which was unveiled for the first time at the media preview, is quite different. The unique stylish screen and the invisible action are well received, but there are a number of opinions that the connection is uneven due to lack of history. Without asking for a detailed explanation, Kim was well aware of the audience's reaction to "the inrang".

The following is an answer to the question:

▶ This was the 3rd day of opening of "inang".

There is an interview in progress. Now I've heard a lot of grunt once. I think the advantages and disadvantages of this film are clear.

▶ The film was released for the first time during the media preview and aired for the first time at the press conference.

When I was going to do that, there was a role to accomplish something, to achieve something. I think that it would be possible in Korea to have a powerful action movie with a dark character wearing Batman series, Robocop, and recently Iron Man,

Upon delivery of the subject, there are main parcels and subplots, the main plots concerned systems and individuals. In the grouped state, the individual has tried to draw attention to his thoughts and words. There is a secondary plot as a means of transporting the subject, which was a melodrama.

What is the type of identity most similar to Imran 's specialty, Lim Chung Kyung (Kang Dong Won)? If we refer to modern and contemporary history, it is the airborne unit that mbadacred the people in 5.18, and the white carpenter who violently repressed the peace protests . When they carried out such inhuman and unjust orders, what would they have suffered? How he can heal and who will save them naturally in the mind, and he has moved to the character of Im Chung Kyung. An important mediator in the process was the melodrama in the film.

The movie "Inang" released last month. Kim Ji-woon said that he wanted to create a movie in which a dark figure dressed in Gangbok was performing his action. (Photo courtesy of Warner Brothers Korea)

The main character, Lim Chung Kyung, is aware of the existence of a friend, a woman, a father or dad. 39, a teacher. The Department of Public Security and the Public Security Department are linked to Lee Yun-hee (Han Hyo-joo) and Jeong Jin-tae (Jung Woo-seong) (Through each person). When I met Lee Yoon-hee for the first time, I met to fulfill the group's obligations in the background, but I woke up when I was alone. Through this, I tried to draw the path of a character who has changed, grown or evolved.

It's a story that crosses the wall where men and women are stranded. The walls are blocked by groundwater and the Namsan tower is also trapped in the glbad wall. Finally, the action of Jang Jin-tae also has many actions that pierce the wall. In the end, the dialogue between North and South, which was blocked and overtaken by the railways, was not followed.

▶ The most striking scene of "INANL & # 39; was the action scene, which was also fun to watch.

We had to show that the firepower of the talented person wearing the fortress costume was machining (fear of seeing). I wanted to show the aura of existence, the authoritarian feeling in the film. The Namsan action scene was not a special reinforced suit but an action of Chung Kyung Lim, a physical person. I was a little sweeter than when I wore a strong suit. Kang Dong Won is an actress who expresses these things very, very well. It is more gangdong action than other actors. If the other actors' actions are full of energy, Kang Dong-won's actions are sweet, sweet and cool, so it's a little sad. So, the action of Namsan also showed the unique atmosphere of Kang Dong Won. In this state, the last channel action is surrounded by difficult battles and even fights against enemies in a fully armed state. At that moment, Lim Chung-kyung's internal pain and sadness made him look like a lonely battle. At first I thought that I would like to be healthy even though I have a power that I can not handle.

▶ What is the most favorite scene in a movie?

Things that come out of a suit of fortune.

Director Kim Ji-woon said the Namsan hunting scene was better expressed than he thought. The original author Oshii Mamoru said that he saw impressive scenes with underground water. (Photo = provided by Warner Brothers Korea)

▶ I heard that it was very hot because the action scene of Namsan was set up.

We made the Namsan Observatory a real size. But Kang Dong – won is not big. I had to jump into the action scene, but I bumped my head to the ceiling. I flew so hard that I burned myself. When you are in a water lane, you have to jump over the water, so all the staff, including me, wear boots. I've been in a stream because I have a monitor and I have a sudden emergence. Without wearing boots. (Laughs) As the rain boots are frustrating, I was removed and continued. It was not very deep. (Laughs)

▶ The author, Oshii Mamoru, particularly praised the scene with underground water.

There is no particular nerve. However, it was the most important space in the film "Inang". This is the part where the story begins and ends with the climax. For those who saw the original, did they implement it with due diligence? There was a need to create a world of perfect cbads that would surprise you. I've designed a straight space with a long space and a small space like a labyrinth. I can not see the end because it's not a straight road. I drew the curves to give the impression that something could come out of me as I progressed. I needed a studio with a lot of space and a studio with a high ceiling, so I could not do it in one place. I had to make it look a little longer, wider and more stepped in a limited space. The studio itself was big, but it had to look like a bigger room than it actually was.

▶ The background of the film is Korea in 2029.

What we did in the near future was a way to avoid the burden. It does not specify or formulate specifically, but radically changes the angle of consciousness that we have gone through in modern and contemporary history.

▶ When we first decided to film the same name of animation, and now we are in a situation where the situation in Northeast Asia, including North Korea and the South,

It was at the time of the former government (Park Geun-hyee government) that the first unification problem happened. That's what I wrote at that time. It was really a sci-fi movie, so I thought the problem was still far away. I filmed and climbed, and the leaders of North and South met, held hands and walked, and the North Korean leader met for the first time with an American guide. (Laughs) Oh, the reality is a lot more SF.

In the drama, a special agent Lim Chung-kyung (Kang Dong-won) and a public security officer Han Sang-woo (Kim Moo-yeol) are in a confrontational relationship. [Photo: Warner Brothers Korea]

▶ However, recently, the official's martial law documents came out, and there was a reaction that the reality is more dramatic than the story of "Inang & # 39; ;.

Yes. This is true. Is not it the same as what you wanted to do in 'In Lang'? I was surprised to see that the scenario was rigid.

▶ In "INRAN", the confrontation and conflict between special talents and the Department of Public Safety are underlined.

I think I can solve the story upside down. How would you like to score a point if you are filming? INRAN & # 39; I think it would be better to define the near future rather than the alternative story because it is SF. In the near future, if you want to sow confusion, you have to sort out the signs and problems that are occurring. There will be unemployment, birth rate, suicide rate and unification. Among the different issues, it is the question of unification that could lead to the making of the original work. Why do we need a problem of unification? There is an energy agency that exercises its power in the state where the division is fixed. However, as the unification speech is published, it is rejected from the sequence of power. I thought the Department of Public Safety, who felt the crisis here, would have wanted more divided structure. I've done my job to get back to the heart of power, make scandals a risky situation and not like their position and status.

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