Ahn Hee-jung attends a private witness diary … Duties of Kim Ji-eun, Workshop on the State of Mind


<img alt = "Ahn Hee-jung attends a private witness diary … The 11th anniversary of the settlement of the western part of the Seoul District Court (Cho Byeong-goo, Judge) opened on the 6th day of the trial of former Chungnam governor, Ahn Hee-jung, accused of badual badault against ex-Chung-

On the day of trial, from 2 pm to 8:35 pm, two experts in psychological badysis, a Prosecution Witness and a Defendant Witness Have Witnessed Four Witnesses

Two of the Psychological Analysis Experts are Witnesses who have requested one by the Prosecution and one by the Security Branch

Prosecution prepared the first trial on the 15th of last month, an expert in psychological badysis

The professor badyzed the complainant's psychology, Kim Ji-eun, and the prosecution submitted the badysis at court as evidence in court.

In badysis, Mr. Kim said, "I was told gnostiqué a state of "psychological freeze" with unbearable stress. "

In response,

The prosecution and the former governor submitted an application to Mr. Kim for his former full-time secretary , Mr. A, and Mr. Gomo, a specialist in the construction of a database system for the wiretap database

Kim and A reportedly made more calls frequent in January of this year that they usually do during the month of January.

The prosecution submits that Mr. Kim had a lot to ask Mr. A about the construction of the DB system.

By the way, says that there was no reason to contact Mr. A, who had been a retirement agent, and that there was a reason other than his job. 19659003] A testified in a private newspaper as a witness of the prosecution on the third day of the trial on 9 September.

In addition to A and Mr. Ko's witness diary,

The Ministry of Justice scheduled the 7th trial on the 23rd, one week after the week.

The prosecution and defendants have declared that the defendants

In order to confirm the missing content of the restoration process, the Prosecution will seek the confiscation of communications and SMS between Kim and An- [19659002] Thus, given the time required to badyze the additional data to be obtained during the execution of this warrant, it is likely that the judge will also make a judgment as to whether the next date may be to be postponed.


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