Air Pre-mia, International Air Carrier License Application Resubmitted


Airplumia airplane image (photo = airplumia)
[이데일리 이소현 기자] Air Premiere today announced that it has resubmitted an Air Carrier License at the request of the Ministry of Land, Transport and Marine. This is the second time that the license was submitted on December 12th.

Previously, the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs had issued an amendment to the Decree on the Application of the Law on Aeronautical Activities and a partial amendment to the implementing decree,

Air Premiere is an airline specializing in heavy duty streets. The company will focus on the private market share areas of foreign carriers due to the lack of supply in relation to demand in the West, Europe and Oceania, introducing a broad body capable of traveling more than 5,000 km and more than 5 hours.

Air Premier pointed out that the business model, the target audience and the market differed from the existing low-cost airlines (LCC) because it offered a large seat and comfortable service in the mid-length streets.

He added that he was a hybrid service operator, different from the existing major airline (FSC), as it operates direct flights, builds the plane with a single plane and offers only two seats in the Premium Economy and Economy Economy.

Air Premiere pointed out that the job creation effect is far superior to that of LCC because the model is different from the business model.

"The planes are more than 60% more comfortable than the small planes used by the LCCs," Air Premiere said. "The planes require more cabin crew and mechanics, we have about 120 people by plane."

Air Premiere offers free in-flight meals and basic luggage services. Indirect air freight services, such as in-flight meals, fishing companies and air cargo workers, are much larger, as air cargo operations are also impossible.

Air Premier said it was planning to bring in overseas travelers and help the six existing operators of the LCC to blow into the competing market.

Air Premia said: "At the opening of the direct flights of Air Fremia based at the Incheon International Airport to the western United States, the airport". Europe and Australia, overseas travelers from Japan, China and Southeast Asian countries will use the national LCC for a transfer to the airport Incheon International "Air Premiere is working on win-win solutions such as route planning, joint booking and sales network with existing LCCs," he said.

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