Alternate service period More than twice active duty · Camp review … Army goals, next year


  Alternative service period more than double the active duty · Review of the camp ...

Military authorities announced on May 5 that they had put in place an alternative service system for conscientious objectors and aimed to apply them next year.

The period of alternative service is more than twice the current period

According to the Department of National Defense and the Administration of Military Labor, Song Young-moo, the Minister Defense, issued a directive to prepare an amendment to the Military Service Act to introduce an alternative service system.

A senior official said, "I have received instructions from the minister to complete the Military Service Act in the second half of the year and set up the alternative service system next year." The Department National Defense and the Office of the Military Labor are planning to complete the legislative process this year. "The official said:" We are preparing a public hearing to gather public opinion on the introduction of the alternative service system. "


For this reason, when the process of reviewing the legislation of the National Assembly and reviewing the law after the completion of the revision of the law is taken into consideration, it is possible to replace the revision bill

The Constitutional Court has complied with the Constitution that it has violated the conscientious objection of conscientious objectors in Article 5 (1). ) of the Military Service Act, which does not prescribe an alternative service system, on August 28 I decided not to do so.

Replacement period of service is considered more than twice that of active service.

A senior military official stated: "During the service period,"

The current duty period is 21 months for the Army, 23 months for the Navy, and 2 years for the army., Air Force 24 months.

However, according to the "Defense Reform 2.0", the period of military service of the soldiers of the army was 18 months at the end of the government of Moon Jae-in.

A senior Department of National Defense official said, "The replacement service plan for conscientious objectors reviewed in 2007 could be a reference," he said. (According to the 2020 defense reform), considering that the period of active duty service of the army will be reduced to 18 months, it was considered that the period of alternative service would be 36 months, twice the active service.

The alternative service plan was to be implemented from 2009, but it has been overshadowed since the establishment of the Lee Myung-bak administration.

Military authorities also reported that other service personnel, such as active duty personnel, would consider working in their own facility.

If a judge is established under the tutelage of the Department of National Defense or the Administration of Military Labor, it will be possible to establish a rigid standard, which will encourage the Opposition from those who wish to substitute themselves.

The observation that it will be decided that civilian experts will participate in decision-making bodies under the Military Manpower Administration, which has a realistic experience of military service and military service. the exclusion from military service predominates

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