'Amazing Dragon & # 39; discovered in China, rewrote a line of serpentine dinosaurs


[워싱턴 로이터=뉴스핌] A Sinyoung Internal Reporter = A 174-million-year-old dinosaur fossil discovered in northwestern China provides a new perspective on the lineage of serpentine dinosaurs, Reuters reported on Tuesday.

A 174 million year old Xenophyta dinosaur was found in the northwestern part of China [사진=로이터 뉴스핌]

. The fossil was found in early copepod dinosaurs. And call them 'Leurong Shanchi & # 39; in Chinese. This dinosaur has a long neck and a long tail, a small head and a thick leg. He is known as the largest dinosaur dinosaur.

The name 'Ring Wolong Shanch' means "Amazing Dragon from Lingwu".

Oolong Ring is presumed to have lived 174 million years ago, the Mesozoic Jurbadic (the second of the three Mesozoic periods).

They found 8 to 10 dinosaur fossil bones discovered in a group. "The biggest is 17.5 meters," said Xing Shi, a paleontologist from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

It is estimated that from head to toe dinosaurs will reach about 35 to 57 feet (10.7 to 17.4 meters).

Several Millions of People Considering the anatomical features of primitive sauropod dinosaurs that appeared earlier in the year, the oolong ring represents the first dinosaur evolved to date.

This suggests that the evolutionary form of the new sauropods is 15 million years old. The Sin Kapakari includes Jurbadic giant dinosaurs, Diplodocus and Brontosaurus, Cretaceous (the last of the three Mesozoic divisions), Arctinosaurus, Dreadnought and Patagonian Titans, officially known as the largest wild animals. .

"I thought it was the first time that a new glaciological dinosaur was emerging 160 million years ago," said Paul Upachurch, paleontologist at the University College of Medicine. London and co-author of the study: "I knew it had spread for five million years.

However, he said:" But the discovery of Ring Oolong proved that this badumption is wrong. "" Now we have to study on the basis that protozoan dinosaurs have developed gradually over time. "

Oolong ring lived in a hot and humid environment, and conifers and ferns

It is more likely that they consumed low, soft plants because they had wedge-shaped teeth and did not have a long neck compared to other sauropod dinosaurs

Because several fossils were found together during excavation, [19] 659004] According to existing theory, the oolong ring belongs to a group of sauropods that can not be found in East Asia.

However, the discovery of this fossil in China shows that the moment of segregation of Pangea can be much slower than before.

[뉴스핌 Newspim] Internal Journalist Shinryu ([email protected])

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