Amazon's net profit in the second quarter of 2.8 trillion won … Compared with last year, 12 times ↑ (full)


Cloud and Alexa contributed to good performance … Holfood contributes to sales

The performance of Amazon, the largest e-commerce company in the world, has risen sharply.
The company reported earnings of $ 2.53 billion (2.8 trillion won) in the quarter on the basis of its second quarter results on Wednesday, April 26.

This is an increase of 12 times compared to 197 million dollars ($ 228 million) for the same quarter of last year. As a result, the company achieved net income of more than $ 1 billion for three consecutive quarters.

The company's revenues exceeded $ 1 billion in the fourth quarter of last year.

Amazon's earnings per share (EPS) was $ 5.07, up sharply from the same period last year (40 cents).

Earnings per share more than doubled expectations ($ 2.50 per share) forecast by Thomson Reuters and other rating agencies.

Computer media has badyzed Amazon's success because of the high demand for online shopping and cloud services.

Amazon's cloud services business exceeded $ 6.1 billion in revenue, up 49% from last year. It's far beyond market expectations.

Microsoft and Google have been in fierce competition in the cloud market, but it is reported that Amazon has boasted with two IT dinosaurs.

In particular, profit margins were estimated due to cloud and advertising activities.

Brian O. Sullivan, chief financial officer of Amazon (CFO), said during a conference call: "Clouds and commercials have largely contributed to the increase in profits.

In the second quarter, Amazon's sales increased 39 percent year-over-year to $ 52.9 billion, or 59 trillion won.

Revenues were slightly lower than estimates by market badessment agencies ($ 53.4 billion). Sales in the North American market increased 44% year-on-year, outpacing sales growth in other global markets (27%).

Amazon forecasts sales of $ 54 to $ 75.5 billion in the third quarter. This is explained by the fact that third-quarter profits include consumer day sales, which reached a record high this year.

Hall Food, the largest organic food chain acquired by Amazon last year, is not traditionally very profitable in terms of profitability, but contributes to the increase in sales volume.

It is said that he reached 100 million dollars.

The results of 2Q include the results of Amazon's online pharmacy Philpak acquired in the pharmaceutical sector.

Amazon rose 3% on news of a positive announcement today.

Jeff Baez Jr., chief executive officer of Amazon, has placed great importance on Alexa's growth, vocal voice, and said: "Tens of thousands of developers in the world use the service. I want to be able to use Alexa wherever they are. "

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(News from Los Angeles-Yonhap)

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