Announcement of a 30-day tax reform plan, including increased taxes and increased incentive allocation


Indicators of economic indicators such as the activity of the domestic industry, the international balance of payments and prices

Next week, the revision of the tax law, which aims to increase the global property tax for multi-tenant and multi-tenant,
The Ministry of Strategy and Finance will open a 30-day tax development deliberation committee and announce the tax reform plan in 2018.

A tax reform plan that includes a tax reform plan for households with three or more units and an EITC, which triples the total amount of the payment, is submitted to the National Assembly on March 31.

In addition, the Democratic Party and the government announced that tax incentives for children will be extended to beneficiaries of the subsistence allowance and that the amount of the allowance will increase from 500,000 to 700,000 won per child.

The government decided to apply the medical expense tax deduction to postpartum cooking costs of workers and other people.

The economic growth rate is 0.7% in the second quarter, and economic controversy continues, leading to major economic indicators.

The National Statistics Office announces trends in industrial activity as of June 31. It is interesting that industrial production, which increased for two months in May, may continue to increase.

It should also be noted that national indices such as three consecutive months of reduced investment and a decline in retail sales for two consecutive months will improve.

The consumer price trend for July is coming out on the 1st of next month.

Consumer prices rose 1.3% in the first quarter and 1.5% in the second quarter.

The Bank of Korea plans to go back to the second half of the year and reach its target (2%).

The BOK is also interested in the June budget balance announced on March 3rd. The Korean economy maintained its current account surplus for 75 consecutive months until May.

The current account surplus largely contributed to the positive badessment of the Korean economy, the external environment becoming unstable due to the acceleration of the rate hike Americans and the US-China trade war.

Foreign exchange reserves at the end of July will also be released on the same day.

On the 31st, the minutes of the printing of the minority opinion were published in the minutes of the Monetary Policy Committee

With recent economic indicators, the BOK should help determine the direction of the reference interest rate.

The President of the Financial District Committee announces a simple bill for medical insurance on March 31st.

We will also collect the difficulties related to Inchetech. Inchetech is a combination of insurance and technology, which means the service that innovates in the existing insurance industry using information technology (IT) as the only technology in the industry. data badysis and artificial intelligence.

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(Seoul = Yonhap News)

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