Another strong "queen of black music" Yoon Mi-rae


12-Year Concert Audience

Yoon Mi-rae's (37) voice is like a performance woofer (bbad speaker). His rap goes through the celadon's ear and vibrates up to the chest. The soul music that came from childhood and eulmong tain inherited from the black father was ringing the voices of others.

Yoon Mi-rae held a solo concert for 12 years at the Jangchung Gymnasium in Seoul, Korea, from 14 to 18 hours. The first song was "Forgotten" in the third album, released 11 years ago. It's a ballad song with a clear evolution and an emotional melody. Her Korean pronunciation, born in Texas, United States, became clearer and more emotional than she was 10 years ago.

Yoon Miara is a Korean musician for 20 years. Rap and rhythm and blues (R & B) are all due to the ability to sing the authentic soul of American black music. As a queen, there was a sense of long-term publicity. I've released a ballad song that anyone indifferent to hip-hop likes to sing "I've forgotten" or "do not go away." Of the 2,600 seats in the theater, 2,300 seats were excluded, with the exception of the square, which shows its popularity.

"I was worried, honestly, I asked you to cancel the stage at the back of the stage (concert).

He grew up listening to music from an early age thanks to his American military father who has a DJ career. In the middle of the show "Black Happiness", the music is revealed to Yoon Miara youth.

"When I was a child, my flesh pointed to my mum. My poppy was a black American soldier.

Chic neighborhood leader Jung Yeon-joon bought Yunmirae's sensitivity to high-quality black music. Due to this, Yoon Mi-rae was able to join the team as a junior member in 1997 when he was only 16 years old. Since then, he has worked on various names such as T, Tasha and Gemini, and hit one hit for every title. At this concert in 2000, she invited the Tashani duo songs "Hanaharu" and "Warning" to stimulate public nostalgia.

In 2007, he married rapper Tiger JK, who was named as a male duo Drunken Tiger. In the domestic hip-hop style, he has attracted great attention as a combination of musicians representing women and men respectively. Tiger JK joined the entertainment scene, singing his new song "Doggyoue" with his humorous portrait of the couple's life. `You are like a dog, you earn a lot of money, but you are always drunk.

Both are co-leaders of the hip-hop label Pilz Music, which has a great influence on the music industry. Later, the concert with the two core members of Phil Music, including Writer, Composition, and Song's complete rapper, Beggie and Junior Flo, who is from Shomi the Money, proved the power of the family. As a special guest at the IU and a Rhine Coe network took the ax and set up colorful concerts.
Han Dong Jun commented: "The songs and the rapes are still as flawless", but "it's nice that the album is not fashionable, but it does not feel sophisticated and l? expression of Korean words is still lacking ".

Yoon Mi-rae tore up his emotions as he sang the last song 'After time`. There was a feeling of regret and gratitude for the fans who were waiting for it while fighting against the fraudulent activities of the old agency. He said, "I have a baby, I have it, and I have bad things, so the album continues to be delayed." I promised I would not be able to do it now, and I will do more gigs in the future.

[박창영 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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